Out to eat

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We headed to the van with security behind us. As we exited the building there were fans screaming and shouting pushing against the gates wanting to get closer to the boys but security made sure the fans didn't get close enough. There was girls shouting at me saying “Who is she?” “Is she dating one of the boys?” and the cameras were going off blinding me.

“Keep your head down love” Louis said and put his hand on the small of my back guiding me forward

I took his advice and kept my head down until we hit the van. We all piled in this time Harry was driving because he recently got his license and wanted to drive. Zayn took the passenger seat and Niall and Liam took the back seats while Lou and I sat in the middle sears of the van and with that we took off.

As we were driving out of nowhere Niall shouted causing me to jump


Kierstin I thought then I remember she was Niall’s girlfriend and they were so adorable together. She had a mix of light and dark brown chocolate like eyes with her dark black and light brown shoulder length hair to match with her eyes. Where as I had Brown hair with blond highlights which people often say a bit of red, which I don’t see, and with Blue-Green eyes to match with a hint of grey. 

“Jeez Niall” Liam said

“Sorry but we got to pick her up” Niall replied

“Ok mate we will chill” Harry said. Niall huffed and called Kierstin and told her to be ready

after a couple of minutes we were in front of the hotel and Kierstin was standing in the parking lot waiting.

“Took you guys long enough” she said and got into the van and sat in the back with Niall and Liam

“Well if I went any faster we would have gotten a ticket and Lou has been stopped more than all of us put together” he exclaimed

“So I was driving a bit slow” Louis defended

“You were stopped twice mate for driving too slow” Zayn said

“Whatever” Louis replied. I laughed at this conversation but not loud enough for anyone to hear me 

“Woah who are you” Kierstin yelled causing me to jump yet again 

“Wow you and Niall are perfect for each other” Zayn exclaimed remember Nialls earlier outburst

“I’m Byanca” I said shyly 

“Well I’m Kierstin, nice to meet you” she said offering me her hand which I shook

“You too” I said

 “So are you a fan that won a contest to hang out with these guys?” she asked

“umm no” I began

“It’s a long story Kierstin” Louis said cutting me off

“oh” She said

the car stop and I noticed we were in front of the restaurant. We all got out and headed inside Louis held the door open for everyone then once we were all inside we got a table in the corner of the restaurant  I sat with lou to the right of me, Kierstin sat next to Louis with Niall beside her and on the other side was Liam, Zayn, and Harry.

we all just ordered our burgers and drinks so now we were just casually talking about nothing really just random things anything that came up to our minds. Then out of nowhere Kierstin hits Louis right in the arm and says “You should invited Byanca to come on the cruise with us tomorrow”

“We’ll Byanca would you like to join us on our cruies” Louis asked while turning to face me

“I don't want to impose” I said. 

They already let me see their concert and even invited me out to dinner and Louis saved my life from Matt, it just seems like everything is perfect and things are happening at once my mind was racing fast I wanted to go on the cruise but it didn’t seem right for me to go on it with them. 

“Nonsense Byanca! we would love it if you came with us” Liam stated 

 “Yes! we would be absolutely delighted if you came with us” Zayn said

“Okay okay I will go” I said letting out a small giggle watching everyone smile as I told them I was going to come with them and Kierstin wrapped her arm around me pulling me close to her.

“Looks like we're going to be roomies” she said happily. 

As everyone was happy about me coming with them on the cruise our food shortly came out and Niall had the biggest smirk on his face as he threw his hands in the air and shouted “Food!” Everyone bursted out with laughter as he attacked his food and Kierstin rubbed her hands on his back “Just attack the food like you mean it babe” She said laughing. We all ended up bursting out  in laughter. 

We were finishing up eating and i was still thinking about the cruise. Was it right for me to go? We’re they inviting me only out of pity?

“Byanca, Byanca you there” Niall said breaking me out of thought while waving his hands in my face to get my attention

“I'm sorry I was just thinking, what’s up” I said coming back to reality

“I asked if you wanted your fries” He said looking hungrily at my fries

“Knock yourself out Nialler” I said handing them to him

“You are the best” he said with a full mouth

Kierstin reached over and got herself a handful of the fries and Niall just gave some to her

“Woah mate you let Kierstin eat some of your food!? but when I tried you bit me?” Zayn huffed

“Its because I’m awesome” Kierstin said to Zayn sticking her tongue out at him in a mocking gesture.

we all laughed and got up to throw away the trash then head out the door.

we all piled into the car but with Harry, Zayn, and Liam in the way back with Kierstin and Niall ahead of them and Lou in the drivers seat and me in the passenger seat.

I was telling Louis the directions to my apartment while the others were chatting 

as we headed up to my place I saw a shadowy figure leaning against my front door.

When Louis pulled up the lights from the car revealed the person and my heart accelerated it was Matt...

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