Amelia x F!Reader

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"Heya... Y/N? Whatcha got there?" The familiar blonde asks, taking a peek just over your shoulder.

"O-oh!-" You stuttered upon the unexpected visitor who stood behind you. "Miss Watson-" "-Amelia-" she pouts "I was just reading a book.."

Amelia put her hand up, her pointer finger standing up as she did so. "First of all, call me Amelia, Watson sounds too formal and we're..w-we're friends aren't we?" Almost unnoticeable, yet a very light shade of red colored her pale cheeks. "And second, you can read???"

The two of you stare at each other, not a second later you crack a smile and laughed along with Amelia.

"Yes I can read! How dare you doubt the powers of a being like mee!!" You said dramatically, putting a fist up close to Amelia's face to emit a playful yet threatening vibe.

Amelia smirks at this and backs away with a jump, posing like a ninja with her knee resting on the floor supporting her weight as she stared you down playfully. "I-" As she was about to say something, she was cut off by the sound of knocking coming from the door behind her.

"Heeeeey Y/N??? Are you in there dawg??" Amelia and you look at each other and fix your poses. But then as you looked around, you noticed how messy your room was and decided to just let your door peek in rather than showing her how lazy you were.

"Calli! I'm coming over hold on-" You stumble on your steps but eventually you make it to the door with Amelia sitting a meter away beside you and the door.

Your head peeks out and greets Calli. "W-woah there! Geez, don't jumpscare me like that- but anyways, I came to ask something about this file here and.." Her words trailed on and on and you listened to her.  Unbeknownst to you and Calli though, you had a gremlin in your room who has the ability to do almost anything with your distracted self.

Suddenly, a pair of soft hands cup your breasts and you hold in as much emotions as you could. Your face scrunched up and as well as turned red, and yet somehow, Calli was unable to notice a single thing.

Seeing the effect of her actions though, Amelia kept going at it, going even as far as giving your free hand a gentle kiss.

"Ah so basically this is here and this was supposed to be another thing but typed it incorrectly and yeah!" You point out the mistakes and meanings with your finger.

"Ahh! I see, I see, thank you so much Y/N! Also, if it may not be too much to ask but.."

Your heart pounded, did Calli somehow know that Amelia was behind you making a mess and turning your face into more different shades of red you didn't even know existed.

"Y-yeah?" You asked nervously.

"When are you confessing to Watson?" Calli asks, innocently as she was. Suddenly, all the movement behind you stopped and was replaced with silence.

"O-Oh about that-"

Homura- Calli quickly answers her phone with a little bit of a panic. Her eyes were wide and sweat dripped down, Calli made a few gestures and you just nodded, aware that Calli wanted some privacy talking to Kiara.

You gently close the door before letting out an enormous exhale of rely of relief. Out of nowhere, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in. The familiar feeling of sweet soft marshmallows hitting against your unfortunately clothed skin.

"So..what was that about?" Amelia asks, timid and shy. Even if you weren't looking at her directly, you could feel the warmness from her face hitting your back.

"Calli wanted some help with a-"
"No, no.. The.. The other thing she said- the one before Kiara called her.."

Your face turned red and you prayed inside your head for some mercy if anything went wrong for you.

"I-... I like you Amelia... I really do.."

"..As a friend?"

"As.. As something more than a friend, more than bestfriends, and more than just a coworker.."

Silence fell between the two of you so you opened your mouth to say something- but was instead gently grabbed by the chin to get pulled in for a kiss.

Your eyes widened but quickly enough, you kissed back.

Amelia pulls away, sliding her pointer finger onto your lips. "You know.. I love you- Even though we're both girls but..." and then she smirks. "But I'll only date you when you beat me in a 1v1!" Her signature mischievous smile captures your heart as well as all of your attention- just as if it already didn't though.

"Bring it on loser!" But before the two of you could even move away from each other, you pulled her into a tight hug and THEN you went to grab a controller.

And then also proceeded to get scolded later by Kiara for not finishing your works

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