Amelia x M!reader

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The sound of your keyboard's slightly loud keys clacking. echoed into your abyss like room for you didn't have much things in it.

There were just your essential needs. Those being your bed, your closet, your clothes, your fleshlight- I mean flashlight and of course, your brand new baby! A powerful pc you've been working on building for years ever since you laid eyes on that one video of a guy casually building their own pc.

It took you so long- and happiness as well as satisfaction in which took over the rage you felt when you died from an enemy when playing Ape-X Warriors. It was a First-Person-Shooter game with multiple game modes, unsurprisingly though it was a really fun game. The the graphics weren't even a hair nasty, the sound effects were realistic, nicely produced and timed. There were npc's that roamed in the streets- some helping you and your team fight but some just act as people that walk around with no meaning in life- but hey at least they looked realistic and fabulous!

You could literally go on and on and on about how this pc and game was a match made in heaven but you were interrupted by a screech that pierced your ears and briefly sent you to heaven for the small price of bleeding ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK-" With the power of adrenaline and your body moving on its own through the unstoppable force of instinct, you quickly took off your headphones and fell back onto your wooden chair which also smashed downwards, hitting your head on the process.

Fortunately though, your keyboard was alright, you on the other hand needed to see a doctor, buuut you'll just do it later- or never.

You nervously climb up your desk and rewear your headphones, only to be greeted by more shouting by a somewhat feminine voice. You couldn't really call it shouting since they sounded more like some kind of eagle... gremlin..? .......hybrid thing.

You fixed yourself up and moved your mouse around to see a beginner female character running away from an enemy and somehow was successful in dodging most of the bullets coming their way. You saw her username and it read that she was your teammate from the two teams, and so you aimed and shot at the enemy attacking her.

As soon as the attacker died though, the girl went to their downed body and started teabagging the poor man, from her mic were multiple curse words and toxicity as if it were some wastes oozing out of nuclear goo.

"EAT SHIT YOU BITCH-" she turned her head over towards you and rapidly nodded as if inviting you to join her in her teabaggery.

You stared for a second before laughing at amusement and joining in.

After a few minutes of toxicity, the two of you began moving to a more crowded area by npc's.

"So, you're... ILoveMyPc??- wow, I wonder where you got such an original username from" she snickered and you laughed along.

"Yeah. But I can't help it though! My originality is a sight to behold!"

You then pressed an emote button and made your character puff up their chest with great confidence.

"Mm~ I see. My names Watson, nice to meetcha ILo"

"Nicknames already? You're too fast~ please be gentle~"

"I take back every good thing I've thought about you."


The two of you share a laugh before finally taking your game more seriously in between conversations.

"So you live near Jeakrob street?"

Watson asked, aiming with her sniper rifle at something from afar.

"Yeah. Wifi's better over here so I moved. But from listening you pronounce the street name wrong, I'm guessing you too?"

One corner of her lips raised up into a smirk as she pulled the trigger.


Watson <Headshot> M1ttsusu1nai
10092 studs


"What the fu..?"

You stared at the popup. Paralyzed in shock.

"Heh! Ez." Watson stood up and reloaded her gun.

"Thats impossible-"

"I'm Watson, anything you see impossible, I'll turn it possible."

She smiles at you, smirking in the mix.

You couldn't help but crack a smile as well and chuckling.

"I'll have to see that for myself at friday. You down?"

You point your pistol at her.

"I'll meet ya at the park at 10am."

She stares at you with a grin, in which you grin back to.

"Good, I'll see ya then."



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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