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mentions of blood/gore



no.1 POV

His body screamed in exhaustion as he ran through the dark woods bear-foot, his mind racing with fear and regret, cuts and bruises littered his body followed by blood running down, lights flashing his way as he avoided them.

"Where the hell are you, you little fucker!" a loud voice rumbled through the forest scaring sleeping birds,squirls,or bunnys that happend to be in the same place at the time, not awsering he continued to run getting slower every step until he reached a giant tree with thick layers of leaves, with out a second thought he quickly started climbing, stumbling on some branches and leaves, soon enough he made it up the tree and hid in the thick leaves.

"Where did that fucker go!" the man yelled "just let it go man, well find another one" a taller but kinder man said as he layd his hand on the first mans arm to reashor (i cant spell) him " what ever its not like he'll live out here long anyway" the first man said calming down, they both turn to leave.

However bakugou on the other hand was exhausted, about to pass out he carefully climb's down the tree making sure not to fall, soon he lands on the ground and start's walking in the exact oposent direction of the two men ariveing at a cave, walking into the cave as far as he could get himself to and passing out on the cave floor.

Bakugou POV

I woke up to something warm and my ears being stroked by...A claw?!, bakugou open's is eyes and slowly but carefully looks up in horror, there it was... a dragon

(art not mine)

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(art not mine)

and behind is a stash of red gems julles and other pretty red things, we stared into each others eyes for a min before i curled myself in my tail and started shaking.

"There's no need to be scared, i have no intentions of hurting you" a very deep but feminine like voice rumbled the ground"whats your name, you seem lost" the voice spoke again but i didn't awser"don't ignore me" the voice said sounding annoyed"whatever your staying with me for now on, cant let toughs beautiful eyes go to wast now can we" the fuck did she just say " OH HELL NO. im not staying here with .you. ill be on my way" i said as i began to walk to the exit, but then i was stop'ed by her huge claws " who said you had a choice, this is my den you walked into and sleep'd in, i could of easily killed you right then and there but luckly for you, you just so happend to have the perfect shade of red eyes, unless you want me to rip your eyes out and frame em (help) " that statment made me shiver.

"Tch fine" i said giving up "good ill be back with your breakfast" she said as she flue away'what have i gotten myself into'

is it ok :D, is it cringe :c, please tell me

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