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Quick update

People like this?? That's confusing, ill actually try then.


Third pov.

"Is this a slime?"

The slime is pink and shimmery, it has small bits of colored confetti and a hart in it, its cute and small compared to your dragon form, not like bakugou at all, just.. Sentient.

While bakugou was casually trying to make his way away from your sight you pick up the little slime and plop in in front of you, "I've never seen a slime so.. Cute" you say expressing your bewilderment to the slowly escaping neko.

"Shit shit" the ash blond whispers to himself as you pull him closer to show off the little creature, "look at it, its goofy?" He looks at the creature in confusion "the fuck is that?" Bakugou asks "I think its a slime"  you replied looking at him, bakugou picks up the little creature squeezing it slightly as it jiggles, you snicker "Hm? What's so funny about that?" He asked, "nothing" you take the little creature from him holding it up to you "your not red buutt, ill keep you" you say and bind the slime to you.

Bakugou was starting at the lake admiring the beauty of it, he stepped in the crystal clear water savoring the nice crisp cool feeling of it, he stood in the water as his eyes stayed close relishing it.

"time to go back" you said in a booming voice standing up as you pick up bakugou and put him on your back, you give bakugou the slime "hold him" you say as you fly away, over the city camouflage you see the sun in the sky and realize its lunch time.

I wanna give this an actual plot but my head is empty.
This is very small but ill make the next chapter longer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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