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" WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT " he yelled shaking in anger, his ears twitching rapidly, tough you thought it was cute you knew it wasn't good for him " calm down, I did that so we'll be able to go outside together And I don't have to worry about my Precious treasure getting away " by the look on his face, he was annoyed " dumbass " he muterd in announce, you then pulled out some clothes for him

" WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT " he yelled shaking in anger, his ears twitching rapidly, tough you thought it was cute you knew it wasn't good for him " calm down, I did that so we'll be able to go outside together And I don't have to worry abou...

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(My art)
"Put this on" you say "tch" bakugou takes the clothes clearly pissed
After putting it on he was called out side "come on where going to go somewhere" you say turning back into a dragon
Bakugou jumps on your back and you take of

As you sore through the air you see a city.
You than use an invisibility spell So the humans can't see you both.
As far as you know human don't know that dragons exists
And its best to keep it that way.

You both Stoped at a lake that had flowers and butterflies everywhere "wow this place is actually pretty" bakugou said Amazed "yep, found this place yesterday while looking for food, I thought you would like it" you said putting bakugou on the ground.

As you sit down in the flower bed you notice bakugou laying down and looking at the sky
As bakugous eyes dart from cloud to cloud you wonder how it must be for him to be kidnapped or rather forced to stay with a dragon, "the he'll am I thinking?! He's the one who came in my cave in invited! Well I suppose he was finding shelter after running for his life" you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a Wrestling noise coming from behind you,
As you quickly turn around and slowly but carefully approach a bush you notice something odd about it,
It was unlike any other bush. It was shining a soft pink color when looked at from different angles, and had a faint sent of cupcakes. After Admiring the bush you carefully put your giant claws in and pull out.

Motivation level 0

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