Chapter 2 - A Prodigy's Beginnings

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     After many different attempts Herald had finally found a outfit for Merlesh to wear. Dawning a purple trim on the lining of the clothing it only suited him to match his mysterious aura. As Merlesh went to turn around, Amberford was towering over him. "Merlesh! We need to see what all you can do. Let us head to the training grounds and allow you to show your stuff! Herald, we shall conclude our business another time." Herald simply nodded as Amberford left the room. 

     As Merlesh & Amberford left the main room Herald shut the door behind them keeping himself inside Amberford study. While leaving the main hall to go outside through the front entrance Merlesh noticed Maria & Alexis standing back as he left with extremely confused expressions on their faces as to why he was leaving with Amberford in nobleman clothing. As they both exited the castle walls they began heading to a stone tower nearby on the same campus. Confusingly Merlesh asked "Why are we going here? I thought we were supposed to be heading to the training grounds?" Amberford smiled as he put a finger to his lips in a 'be quiet' manner.  As they entered Merlesh saw many spirals of lights varying in color all with different names beside them. "Are these all portals to other places!?" Merlesh loudly exclaimed. Amberford kept smiling and nodded yes and he motioned for them to go through the one labeled "Training Grounds". Hesitantly Merlesh walked through and it appeared as if he was in the same room. Something was different this time as he could hear sword clashing and shields crashing into each other.  Merlesh quickly ran out the door and upon going outside he could see a huge battlefield full of soldiers fighting it would seem. Explosions and balls of fire hurling across each side. "This is the training grounds. Every now and then the Amberford family will have all of it's military personnel participate in a grand scale war. Of course there will be no casualties just minor injuries that are healable. Come with me." Amberford said as he guided Merlesh away from the battle. "You will not be participating in any type of war until we get your magic to truly awaken." Amberford said. As they approached a open field there was one man sitting down reading a book. "Bradley why are you not participating in the war? You know it is required." Amberford said with a stern tone. Without putting the book down Bradley responded "Come on now Master, you know if I was to get involved the war would always be decided before it even happens." Amberford smirked and said "Very well." Bradley lowered the book by a little and looked directly at Merlesh. "A new trainee? It's been awhile since you broke the last one. Are you sure this one will be able to maintain himself?" Amberford replied "I looked into this ones soul and witnessed a power as vast as yours once was Bradley. Now get up and demonstrate some of your abilities to young Merlesh here." As Bradley stoop up he began walking with Amberford & Merlesh towards the open field. 

     "This kid doesn't look all that powerful to me Master. Do you think you might be losing it finally with old age?" Bradley said. "Come now Bradley you know I am not that old. I'm barely 435 years of age." Amberford said. Merlesh looked up at Amberford "You are old! How can you live that long!?" As he said this Bradley exploded into laughter. Amberford turned his head to Merlesh, "I am an elf young one. We live on an upwards to 800 years. I am middle age for my species. Unlike you humans who can at most live up to around 100 years old." Amberford replied. "Now without any delay we must hone your skills to reveal your true potential. Merlesh I need you to imagine a ball of pure energy forming in your hand, like this." Amberford said this as he held out his hand and a orb of blue energy began growing in the palm of his hand. "Coincidentally the color of this orb will resemble your inner most nature just as the glass did when you touched it earlier today. Bradley go ahead and show him how to do it as well." As Bradley held his hand out next to Amberford's he began to grow a ball of a blackish green mixture. "Bradley specializes in toxic magical arts. A very useful skill when it comes to obliterating your opponents. Although it is his specialty this does not restrict him to only toxic abilities. Bradley here is a prize pupil of mine and his mastery of all the elements is halfway to perfection. He is on the correct path to becoming an elite mage." Bradley let out a sigh as Amberford finished and told him "I have no plan of being an elite mage for your family. I will be a Trinity Guard in service for the Royal Family." "What's a Trinity Guard?" Merlesh asked. Bradley took a step back as if he was offended. "A Trinity Guard is a group of the most powerful warriors in the land devoted solely to serving the Royal Family and protecting their country!" Bradley exclaimed. Merlesh shrugged it off and continued trying to create a ball of energy in his hand. After a bit of time passed Bradley was sitting down again reading and Amberford was staring off into the distance mumbling to himself it would seem. Merlesh concentrated again and again and couldn't pull the energy inside himself outside. Angrily he shouted "This is just a waste of time! Stop playing with me and just take me back to the streets so I can leave! I never asked to be brought here!" Amberford sighed and walked towards Merlesh, "Listen Merlesh, this is no game nor do I play with your emotions. This is serious as life and death. You must continue trying. For now it is time for lunch! I will be back shortly." Amberford began walking off towards the direction of the portal room. Merlesh was angrily mumbling while he walked away. "Merlesh will you please be quiet. It's not that hard! Just focus, your making a small task into something bigger with your complaining!" Bradley exclaimed. Merlesh scoffed at him and kept mumbling. After some time he thought about what Bradley said about making a small task into something bigger and came up with an idea. Instead of Merlesh focusing all his energy into his hand he focused it all to his finger tip. As Merlesh did this he felt the wind around him begin coming to him from all directions. After some time passed Bradley felt this strange wind and set his book down to see Merlesh with a dark purple dot around him seemingly pulling wind all around him into the tiny spot. "Merlesh you did it!" Bradley exclaimed in excitement. As soon as he went up to Merlesh he realized Merlesh was struggling to keep it going. "You need to release it, you're still new to magic!" Merlesh shook his head looking around for Amberford, after a few more seconds Merlesh fell backwards passed out with his energy vanishing as soon as he hit the ground. "You moron I told you to let it go." Bradley said as he walked away from him. 

     A few minutes later Amberford came back with a tray of some food and drinks only to see a passed out Merlesh with Bradley sitting in his normal spot still reading his book. Amberford quickly walked over and set down the tray. "Bradley what happened to Merlesh? Did he accomplish the task given?" Amberford asked as he lifted Merlesh's head off the ground. "Yea he did it. He used his finger tip to make a extremely condense collection of magic in a small point. The caused all the wind around him to be drawn to that point. Must be some form of wind magic user we haven't seen yet." Bradley explained. "No you're incorrect, I've realized what it is now. That dark purple aura combined with wind being drawn to him when he activates it. Merlesh is a gravity magic specialist. A very rare trait just as rare as a time specialist. We must continue training him so he can be utilized by the Amberford family. Merlesh will become one of the elite mages to be used against the pirates. Bradley! I'm putting you in charge of training him. Make sure he learns the basics as well as his specialty. He will be a great resource for us. For now I am heading out to the Royal Family." Amberford said.  "Yes sir" Bradley said in a unenthusiastic tone. 

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