Chapter 3 - A Day in the Library?

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     As Merlesh followed his new trainer he led them back to the portal room where they would find themselves going through the the portal to the library. Upon entering it was the same as before. The same room but this time it was dead silent. Bradley continued walking leaving Merlesh to catch up to him. Merlesh was simply in awe at the amount of books there were. Shelves towering at least 100ft tall filled to the brim with books. "Hurry up Merlesh I don't have all day to spend walking with you. Contrary to Amberford's beliefs I have things to do." Bradley said. Bradley led Merlesh to a hall way with towering shelves on both sides. Bradley began grabbing a few books off of the shelf and put them on the table. "Read all of these and once you understand them completely seek me out using what they teach you." Bradley said as he began to leave. "Wait aren't you going to help me?" Merlesh asked only to be ignored by Bradley. Merlesh angered crossed him arms and sat down by the books. 

     After a short period of time Merlesh looked at the books he was tasked with reading. They were titled; "The Beginning of All Magic, Basics of the Magical Arts, & Understanding the Elements." Each book increasing in size as he listed off the titles. "How am I ever going to read all of this! It will take me months!" Merlesh exclaimed. Out of no where he noticed a door appear at the end of the table. Stepping out of what was seemingly empty nothingness was an elderly woman. As she stepped out she let out a simple "Shh." to Merlesh who was very confused at the random appearance. Afterwards she stepped back into the doorway and shut it behind her. Merlesh confused just stared at the space the door used to be at. "What even was that?" Merlesh asked himself aloud. After saying this Merlesh heard a ominous voice saying "I'd suggest you start reading before she comes again." "Who said that?" Merlesh asked as he looking around frantically even underneath his own table. After a few moments of Merlesh looking around he heard louds thuds. As if a giant was walking around the library. Step by step they got closer and closer, frightened Merlesh quickly put his head into his book to appear as if he was reading. Merlesh shaking out of pure fear heard the footsteps stop right at the front of his aisle of books. He slowly lowered the book to look up and saw the same elderly woman staring at him with a very distasteful look on her face. "READ NOW OR GET OUT!" the woman shouted in a almost deafening volume throughout the lobby. Merlesh, frightened, fell out of his chair and repeatedly nodded his head saying "Yes ma'am!" in a shaky tone. Merlesh quickly got back in hid chair and began to read the first of his 3 books covering the origin of magic. As he was deep into his book he heard the same loud footsteps walking away from him. Merlesh was terrified and sweating profusely out of fear.

     After what seemed to be hours Merlesh had finally finished reading the first book which seemed to go on for ages. After closing the book Merlesh got up and stretched and began to walk towards the outside but before he could finish his second step he remembered what he heard a few hours ago. He hesitantly took a step back and sat down in his chair. Merlesh began pondering the magic that he created earlier. He held up his hand and began attempting to channel magic through it. He could notice a deep purple swirling from within his palm. He attempted to call the power outside of his hand only for it to disappear with his try. Although frustrated Merlesh knew that this would take time and that it was possible for him to overcome. He began to read his next book over the basics of magical arts. As he read he learned about the different types of magic known throughout the world. As time went by Merlesh was lost reading about all of the different types of magic. Fascinated with this new world of knowledge he had never known before. Taking breaks every now and then attempting to utilize his magic in the ways this book is showing him is possible. With the never ending possibilities Merlesh knew he had to learn everything. Every type of magic available to be learned, whether from books or from other magic users. 

     After some hours more Merlesh finished his book finally. Now it was time for him to begin the one he was most excited for. The Understanding of the Elements, this book was the one Merlesh has been wanting to read the most after his discovery of the different magical types and usage of them all. However Merlesh decided it was time for him to take a walk around. "Surely if I'm quiet I will be fine." Merlesh said to himself as he quietly walked down his aisle. Upon reaching the end he glanced from left to right seeing if the elderly woman was around at all. He began walking down the pathway and realized just how vast this library really was. As he continued down the hall he felt as if someone was watching him. There she was, the elderly woman standing on top of one of the bookshelves behind Merlesh watching him walk down. A sinister grin formed on her face as he went further and further from his aisle. Once again she made a door appear out of seemingly thin air and walked through it. Once she did Merlesh could hear the faint sounds of footsteps. "It's coming, I need to hide!" Merlesh thought to himself. As the thunderous footsteps came closer and closer Merlesh ran into an aisle and hid under a table. The footsteps got closer and closer they stopped right in front of Merlesh's aisle just like last time it would seem. This time something was different. Merlesh didn't know how but he could sense this monster. The real reason this library was so big wasn't just for books. It was for this thing, this giant creature in front of him. 

     In an instant the table Merlesh was hiding under got swatted over to the side, crashing into the bookshelf. Merlesh looked up and fell backwards in a panic to see a giant ogre staring straight at him. "I FOUND YOU!" the ogre shouted. Merlesh quickly got up and ran between it's legs to get away. Desperately running away back down the hall Merlesh could only hear a thunderous laughter followed by the massive ogre's footsteps. Leaving cracks in the ground wherever it stepped, tumbling books over from their massive bookshelves. Merlesh unknowingly passed by the section he was once in. For some reason he felt a power from that one aisle that the others didn't possess. Realizing this Merlesh quickly turned around running around the ogre barely missing its grasp by a hair to get into his section. When he ran in the section he noticed a strange book with a aura seeping out of it. Merlesh could feel a massive power from this book. Upon closer inspection Merlesh realized it was his book, the one his father had left him with. In a panic Merlesh grabbed the book and ran into the corner of his aisle grasping at his book. Not knowing what to do Merlesh opened the book and realized something. All of the scribbles were readable for him now. He could understand it finally. They were all magical spells and incantations. Confused Merlesh froze and couldn't move. Unfortunately the ogre finally caught up to Merlesh peering at him from around the corner. It's massive eyes were fixed solely on Merlesh's book. As the ogre reached with its arm to grab Merlesh he panicked and he closed the book and put out his hand attempting to recreate what he had done while training with Amberford and Bradley.

     A dark aura began circling Merlesh as his palm glowed a dark illuminous purple aura. Quickly after a ball formed pulling in air once again. This time it was much larger that the one he previously formed, and much more powerful from what he could tell. The ogre paid no mind to the ball of energy, wanting only the book. As its hand approached Merlesh it began distorting itself. As if it was being bended by gravity itself. All Merlesh heard was a loud roar of pain and the ogre fleeing away as its thunderous footsteps faded away into the distance. Merlesh using all of this magical power at once once again fainted.

     What felt like moments later Merlesh woke up with Bradley and Amberford in front of him down the aisle discussing something. Merlesh stood up holding his head and his book still in hand "What happened?". They both looked towards Merlesh and Bradley said "You tell me you were the one passed out with books everywhere up and down the aisle, and where did you find that book in your hand? Thing looks ancient. I know this library is old but its not that old." Amberford said "Never mind that, we can discuss it later. Let us leave." Merlesh looked confused "Wait what about the giant ogre, and the old lady!" Merlesh said as he backed up into the corner again. Amberford and Bradley both looked at him, "What on earth are you talking about Merlesh? There is no old lady here and certainly no hideous ogre. This place is off limits to outsiders not guided in by a few select members. Seeing how Bradley and I are the only two present currently that have access to this library I can assure you no one else would have been able to come inside." "There was a giant ogre! And a lady that walked through a door that showed up out of no where! And a voice that told me to do as she said! How can you tell me known of that happened!?" Merlesh began rambling on and on. Annoyingly Bradley told him "Shut up kid! No one could have entered here. Your mind played tricks on you, now lets leave this place I'm getting hungry." Merlesh reluctantly agreed. As he walked past Amberford he noticed a worried expression on his face but quickly he turned into his usual gleeful smile when he realized Merlesh was looking at him.

     After exiting the library Merlesh noticed the tray of food. It appeared to be the same type of food that Amberford brought previously during the training grounds when he passed out. "I'm starving I didn't get to try this earlier this morning." Merlesh said. Amberford pointed out that it was the exact tray from earlier.  "Merlesh there is something you need to understand about that library. Time passes by very different in it. What may seem to be hours in there are a fraction of that time outside of it. You must be careful not to spend to much time in the library or your mind could alter." "So that whole library is a time zone?" Merlesh asked. Amberford took a step back "Well yes it was. How do you know that exactly?" He peered over to Bradley "Which books did you let him read Bradley?" Bradley responded with "The Beginning of All Magic, Basics of the Magical Arts, & Understanding the Elements. Fairly basic books for a student no?" Amberford gave him a stern look "For an advanced student yes Merlesh is only a beginner. You shouldn't have given him such difficult reads." "It that was a time zone where was the time anchor? I didn't see it anywhere" Merlesh asked Amberford, cutting him off from scolding Bradley. "Well if you must know Merlesh it is hidden to prevent people from messing with it. Now carry along we're heading back to the castle." Amberford said. As Merlesh continued through the portal to go to the castle Amberford and Bradley both followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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