Overwhelmed (Quackity x Bad)

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Quackity's P.O.V.


I smiled lazily at the demon boy, his tail sticking straight up in tensity as he tried to make himself look bigger. He came over to visit me, and now he's yelling about me saying fuck, as per usual.

I glanced at his balled fists, then felt a small desire flurry in my tummy. I want to hold it...

I've been hardly sleeping the past few days, I just couldn't make myself. My brain was so foggy and I was so tired, but was so scared to sleep. I don't want to watch my lover die again.

Bad's eyes softened as he noticed my quiet expression, then he quietly held my hand, making my eyes grow wide. I blushed immediately, then looked up at him, seeing his  concerned look.

"What's wrong...? You look really... bad..."

He sighed, then sat next to me and caressed the back of my hand, making me look at how close he was.

"Do you need me to help with anything? At all?"
"I don't want to bother you, Bad, I'll be okay-"
"No! What do you need?"

I sighed, then smirked a bit. This'll surely scare him off.

"Fine, I'm sure you sucking me off would make me relax~"

His face became a tomato immediately, and I chuckled a little, waiting for him to yell language at me and stop asking such silly questions. He took his hand away, avoiding eye contact, then furrowed his eyebrows and gulped.

"Wh... What kind of need is that?!"
"Oh Bad~ Bad, my beloved~" I teased playfully, tackling him in a hug as he blushed heavier.

I giggled, then propped myself up, seeing his extremely flustered look under me. He covered his face and I smirked a bit, then took a quick peak at his body before coming to my senses and getting off of him.

"I'm joking, Bad~ Hey, let's make some dinner or-"

I felt an extremely hesitant touch to my belt buckle, making my eyes grow wide. It was my turn to be flustered now as he slowly moved his hand across my belt, then he gulped and his hand trembled as he attempted to unbuckle it.

"Whaaaaaat're you doing?" I asked with a giggle, making his eyes grow wide before he puffed his cheeks.

He got it unbuckled, making my heart skip before I glanced down at his hands. I felt myself grow silent, unable to form any words as I tried to process what was exactly happening.

He looked at me, then paused and took his hand off a little.

"Are... you okay...?"

I shrugged meekly, then licked my lips slowly, making eye contact with him.

"It was just a joke, Bad..." is what I wanted to say, but as I looked into his determined, caring eyes, I couldn't help but feel yearning.

But he's just so innocent...

"D... Do you still.... want this?" He asked quietly, clearly concerned over my faces.

I smiled a little, then cupped his cheek, making him blush immediately and look away nervously.

"I should ask that to you, Bad. Like I said, let's just go cook something, okay? I won't make fun of you for this or bring it up ever again, okay?" I spoke softly, trying to give him the easiest way out.

He nestled into my hand, then pecked my lips hesitantly before full on kissing me, his tail swirling around slowly. I closed my eyes and felt myself get sucked into the kiss, desiring him heavily. His innocence made him so much more attractive to me, he's the opposite of what I've become. Just a ray of sunshine always seeking to help people.

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