Late Nights (Dream x George)

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Dream's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed, scrolling through twitter mindlessly as George was on call in the background. I glanced at one stans post, seeing a fancam of George, which I was very used to seeing at this point. I spaced out as I watched it, then sighed and stretched.

"Nothin, just stretchin... I saw a fancam of you."

I could hear an embarrassed smile form on his lips through the call, hearing him chuckle softly.

"Mhm. You were so hot, Georgie~" I purred, rolling over on my stomach as I rubbed my eye.
"Uh-huh. Of course my loyal simp would say that~" He teased quietly, then I felt him grow more silent than usual.

I ran my fingers through my hair, then rolled back over on my back, my legs spread out as I stared at the phone.

"What's wrong?"
"You're... acting weird."
"Dunno... You're quiet... Are you tired?"
"Not really."
"Dream, I'm.. fine..."
"You hesitated."
"Shut up!!"

I smirked, then hummed and hugged one of my pillows, looking at the ceiling.

"You don't have to tell me... just... are you okay...?"
"I-It's nothing, really... I just..."

He kept starting to speak, then stopping himself, making me immensely curious.

"You haven't been so tongue-tied in so long, what is it, idiot?"
"I-It's just, I-I don't want to embarrass you!"
"Embarrass me?"
"Y-You probably can't help it, s-so I didn't want to bring it up, but it's making me feel weird and-and...!"

I felt my heart drop as I listened to him explain, then felt it start to race. Oh god, oh no, Nick told him everything.

I hugged my pillow tightly, scared to say anything now as I became anxious.

"... Dream...? I-It's okay, it is! I-I don't mind, it's just-I-I can't keep this to myself much longer, I need to talk to you about it... It's going to drive me insane if we... don't..."
"What all did he tell you...?"
"What did Sapnap tell you?"
"L-Look, don't get mad at him, I pushed and-"
"Please, just... What do you know..?"

He went silent this time and I felt my heart drop more, terrified. Surely Nick wouldn't tell him it all, right?

"That... That you um... j... jerked off to me..."

I gripped my pillow tightly, wanting to throw my phone across the room immediately. He was silent after that as well, making it worse, and I felt my hands start to shake.

"It... It's okay, Dream, it's... I'm... glad I'm the one you're discovering these um... feelings for... It's flattering, really, but-"
"Why would Nick tell you?! How did that even happen?!"
"I-I asked if you had a crush on-! on... me..."
"A-And he crumbled just like that?!"
"N-No, he was really persistent in not telling me!! But I'm annoying and-and I really wanted to know so I annoyed him for an hour before he caved, b-but he said he wasn't sure either, just that... that you masturbated to a video of me and panicked to him about it..."

I put my phone down on the bed, sitting up and curling my legs tightly to my chest as I felt an ungodly amount of shame and embarrassment flood all over me. Why did he have to find out...? Why is he telling me this...? I feel so anxious and... and scared? Worried? Helpless...?

Tears flooded my eyes and I sniffled, making George freak out immediately.

"U-Um, Dream! Dream, it's okay! It's okay! I-I didn't want to upset you, th-the reason I brought it up is b-because I just wanted to see how you felt! Like... like if those feelings are still there and..."
"What... What if they are, George...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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