Lucas's Bright Idea

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Lucas's POV
My mom's trying to force me to start up her old babysitting business. I hate Kids mainly my brother Collin then she bribed me with MY dream Video Game Console. The PS5. I'm too broke to buy one. Now,Collin wants to join the club all of a sudden. He only wants to join because of the PS5 bribe. I open my phone to text my best friend Grayson

Lucas:Hey, Mom wants me to start up her babysitting club again Wanna join?

Grayson:Sure! Mom was just talking about that

Lucas: Great! Meet at the park. Tell the others.

I turn off my phone and grab my hat
"Mom! Me and Collin are going to meet the others!" I shout as I rush out the door

Grayson's POV
I go straight to My Cousins house. My Aunt opening the door. "Hello Gray! Here for Karl?" She says. "Yes I am here for him. Can you go get him for me?" I answer her. She gets Karl from the couch. Karl comes out his cheeks bright red. "Hey Karl,You alright?" I ask him "Yeah. I'm fine." He answers "Well Me and Lucas are starting the old babysitters club up. Wanna join?" I tell him  "Sure." He agrees to join. "Great!" I rush him out and text Connie McGill

Grayson: Cons did Carter tell you about the bsc starting up again?

Connie:Yeah he did. Where we meeting?


End of part 1

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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