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George POV
After the 30 minute drive we arrived at the small Vietnamese restaurant. The second we pulled into the little parking lot for the restaurant, memories flooded my mind.

It looked exactly like it did a few years ago. It felt like I was send back to the past. It felt like I relived the time when me and my sister would excitedly hurry outside the car and have a little battle on who would reach the entrance faster. I remember how she always won and teased me about it throughout the whole dinner. I remember how I would playfully pout almost unable to resist the smile forming onto my face.

I missed the happy days when me and my family had fun together. I wish I was able to relive these moments together with all of them. To have one day, one single day together as a happy family just how it used to be.
Where I didn't care about what others thought or what I looked like, how many calories my food has or how much I weight.
I missed the days were life felt unreal.

And yes I missed my family. But maybe it was meant to be me and Clay reliving my childhood together. Maybe it was meant to be him who I visit this special place with. I was excited to be here with Clay. Bringing a special Someone to a special place.

I noticed I was zoned out and snapped back to reality, looking over at Clay. He just smiled at me. It looks like he noticed how special this place is for me and waited for me to snap out of my thoughts whenever I was ready.
'You ready?' he asked removing his hand from my thigh. I nodded eagerly and stepped out of the car waiting fro him to do the same.

He got out, locked the car, took my hand and walked towards the entrance.
The moment we stepped inside I gasped quietly. It looked exactly like it did when I was younger. The decoration inside used to fascinate me when I was younger and it still did now. The decoration was mainly red and gold. It made you feel cozy and the minimalistic decoration details made you feel like you're in a sort of safe-place trance.

The people were friendly and the waitresses smiled at you with such true kindness while they led you to your table. The menu was decorated the same style than the restaurant has by it self and it looked like Clay was really impressed by the inside as well.

'I don't even know what to get everything sounds amazing' Clay said to which I chuckled. 'Everything in here is amazing. I think I'm going to go with Phở tho. I used to love it when I was younger and I haven't had it in a long while' I told him, smiling in excitement.

Clay eventually decided to go with Cao Lầu and we ordered our food together together with two iced green teas.
The dinner was amazing. We spent our time together talking, eating and enjoying our time. The food was just as good as it was a few years ago and Clay seemed so surprised about how good the food was, asking me how he didn't knew about the Place earlier.

Eventually the waitress approached us again, taking our empty dishes and coming back with the bill.
I knew, that even tho the restaurant isn't a really overpriced one, the good food wasn't exactly cheap. I didn't care tho. The bill came out to be $51,20 and I gave the waitress $55 telling her to keep the rest for herself. She kindly thanked me and told us goodbye as we made our way outside.

'That was amazing. We really have to go there again. Based on your excitement I expected good food but this was truly perfect' Clay said taking my hand again as we walked towards his car. 'Yeah it really is, you're right' I said softly leaning my head against his arm.

On the drive back we decided to take a halt at the park and get some ice cream at the small ice cream shop near the park, going for a little walk afterwards. Of course Clay insisted to pay for the ice so I gave in and let him pay.

We got our ice cream and walked back towards the park.
I felt happy. Genuinely happy to be here with Clay. Today was a really nice day. Spending it with Clay was even better.

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