Jake and Sammy

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who reads

Hey guys! I'm having a bit of a sad night :/ but don't worry! Jake is still happy and alive :D this chapter is all about him and my new little kitten Sammy.


Sammy arrived when Jake could still see. Sammy stayed upstairs, Jake stayed downstairs. Then he lost his vision and Sammy started coming downstairs with us. At first Sammy didn't really know what what going on.

Then he started to "attack" Jake by pawing his face (with no claws). Jake was thoroughly annoyed and would sneeze and shake his head every time it happened, which was every time he lied down or walked near Sammy.

Recently though, he's started fighting back and now they play together. It's defiantly a sight to see!

Sammy decided he liked the dogs beanbag chair so he took over Jake's bed. Jake had no where to sleep so we bought Sammy a cat bed. One day, we came home and saw Jake lying on the cat bed and the cat lying on the dog bed. Since then, we have two beanbag chairs in our living room for Jake and Sammy.


Here's a little story in Jake's perspective:

Curled up on my blankets, I sigh heavily. It's been three weeks since I lost my vision. I sniff the air and smell the new cat close by. I pull myself up from the comfort of my bed and make m way to the humans. Out if nowhere, two paws hit my face and I shake my head in discomfort. Groaning inwardly, I reach out my paw to playfully step on the demon-kitty. We do this for a while before the animal bolts up the stairs. Oh well, I think, more time for me to sleep.


Ok so I was watching a video on youtube and one of the comments mentioned that the person had a blond dog. Here's the comment from PlanTonto on youtube:

"Awww that's sad. My dog is old and and blind and I'm defiantly burying my head in the sad thinking he will live forever, just don't want to think about..." She stopped there with the ... It made me kinda sad because Jake and I are really close but I can't do much to help him. Love you guys!!


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