Chapter 1, meet hajime hinata

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Hajime Pov

It was a warm april afternoon, the sky was cloudy and gloomy as always. The air was heavy, it felt moist? is that the word? whatever it doesn't matter what it was it was gloomy and uncomfortable. i'm hajime hinata a reserve course student, first year at hopes peak academy. I was bored out of my mind as always. my life has always been bland, bleak, boring. that was going to change soon. I was sitting next to my friend chiaki nanami, a pink haired girl with pastel pink eyes and rosey pink cheeks who had a love for video games. her body covered in freckles. she always had pretty bad eyebags from playing video games all night. she was very kind and compassionate. she always wears this hair lip from some video game she likes. she was quite short compared to me, she's also a first year. her girlfriends name is sonia nevermind, yes she's lesbian. sonia is a first year in the main course, the ultimate princess. she has long, golden hair. she basically glows, she reeks of natural beauty. now what was i saying? oh yeah that's it, how chiaki and i met. we met right where we're sitting actually, next to the fountain outside of the school. Chiaki was talking to me about some video game or something, i wasn't really paying attention. Chiaki nanami, the ultimate gamer and her useless reserve course friend hajime hinata. "oh he's only hanging out with her too look cool, what a leach"  i bet that's what people think about us, if only i had a talent. if I had a talent then i would be useful, i would be able to stand next to the ultimates, be one of them. Maybe nagito would actually respect me then... ah yes, nagito komaeda. nagito was a white haired boy who never brushed his hair and hated reserve course students. he was kind of an odd guy, but all i wanted was for him to see me as an equal. he won't even look me in the eye. he has freckles that dusted his body like the stars in a calming, autumn night. he always looked exhausted, sick almost, he has pale skin with VERY intense eyebags. i gaze up at the gaps between the trees, sun rays bouncing off the grimy leaves, it all felt...uncomfortable. is there a way i could get an ultimate? I've heard there's something called the kamakura project. they do tests on you that give you all the ultimates you could dream of, downside is it would erase all my memories. i would do anything to get a talent but is this worth it? of course it's worth it, but what would chiaki think? i highly doubt she even knows about it, she'd probably talk me out of doing it, rambling on about what true happiness and true talent is or whatever. suddenly i was snapped out of my thoughts

"is everything alright hajime? you seem distant.." chiaki yawned

she always played video games way too long for her own good.

"no i'm fine, are you okay? you seem exhausted" i sighed

"i may have spent a little too long at sonias last night, we stayed up playing video games" chiaki muttered

"why am i not surprised? you should go home and get rest" i suggested as i rolled my eyes

"you're probably right, see you later hajime!"

as i saw her bright pink hair leave my sight it started to drizzle, drizzle turned to rain, and rain turned to pouring. great. the one time i don't have my umbrella.


it had been hard to sleep, i was too lost in my thoughts. my room was a mess and i looked like shit. my tie was somewhere across the room, shirt unbuttoned, school bag somewhere on the floor. dirty cups and dirty laundry littered my room. i glanced over at the clock, exhausted and nauseated. 3:42 am, i've been debating if i should sign myself up for the kamakura project or not for the past 6 hours. there's so many pros but so many cons...i don't think i should do it. i'm only 17 i have so much more to do in life. i'll think about it more tomorrow but for now i should get some rest. i drifted off into sleep.

Komahina/hinakoma fanfic i wrote when i was bored (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now