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WHEN TWO PROTAGONISTS — share a tragedy, a dystopia is built with just two brothers.

Tilting his head, HAITANI RAN parted his lips as if he was breathing dreams of the seventh heaven. His small fingers reached over to poke his baby brother's cheek, he uttered no words, only keeping a smile on his face as the tip of his fingers traced the soft skin of his brother.

Goodnights in Roppongi barely existed, for the district was known for its nightlife; nevertheless, Ran never missed a night without bidding a goodnight to his brother.

Every morning, HAITANI RINDOU would walk a little faster than the day before, stand a little taller, and speak a little more. It was such a bittersweet feeling to know of how selfish time was.

It was late. It was late and the only music their ears could feast on was the haunting melody of Roppongi's nightlife. It was late and Ran had tilted his head to the left, smiling at his brother as he spoke of a promise, "I promise you Roppongi … all of it."

"It's there again," he pointed at the sky even when the ground was filled with life. Rindou watched the silver glow of the moon, curiosity couldn't be denied by how he asked for his brother. 

As lilac eyes met another, Ran hummed and nodded, "yeah, you're right, Rin."

"Why does it do that?"

He had no reply for the question, Ran was only a few years older than his brother — all he could offer the younger one was the vivid fantasy he could create within the small hands he had. "Because," Ran mumbles, "she envies your eyes, Rindou."

Rindou's childhood tasted like the bellflowers that grew in the playground. At 6, Ran had found out that Rindou would pick on the lilac flowers and bite into them; it almost scared him to death, only to find out that the plant was edible from an elderly woman who watched the brothers in the park.

Bellflowers were pretty, but tasteless. They were chewy once you bite into them, Ran never understood why Rindou basked in the bland taste of the bell shaped flowers.

Absence haunted their home like ghosts, and the sun would slip through their fingers, while small feet running around the streets of Roppongi. The deafening sounds of roaring vehicles were never too much for the brothers, because their screams, laughs, and words towards each other were the loudest of them all. 

"Rin. Rock, paper, scissors on who's closing the lights," Ran challenged his younger brother as he sat on their shared bed, his hand already made into a fist as he waited for Rindou.

With a nod, Rindou copied Ran's hand. Squinted lilac eyes stared into each other, "rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

Scissors and scissors.

Pouting, Rindou tilted his chin up to look at his big brother, "you copied me!"

A gasp left Ran's lips as the accusation towards him was made. The offended look never left his face as his eyebrows furrowed, "what?! No, I did not!"

"Again!" They shouted at once, "rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

Scissors and rock. Ran smiles, sticking his tongue out at the younger Haitani, "I won! Go close the lights, loser."

Two reckless souls becoming one, in danger, evil, and purity; they have promised to become one in soul, no matter what surrounds them.

Ran's childhood smelled like orchids, the ones he would pick whenever he saw them at a house's garden. Such a little thief, giggling at the speed he would run at, to make sure he wouldn't get caught by anyone in the neighborhood.

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