Strengthen soul attributes. Live life's purpose. Everything is as it should be.

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Thursday, 21 October 2021, 09:17 GMT+10 Devi's Murali

SEER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti, Namaste

GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti, my sweetest one, Namaste

Everyone has been conditioned to measure everything materially.Everything is measured according to material standards and values. If there are no material standards or values, it is considered to be worthless.The journey is not material. There is nothing to be measured materially.One must not consider everything to be according to material standards and values. One must be aware that these values and standards are irrelevant.These standards and values are created by the material mind. They are only relevant to the material mind.True joy, peace, happiness and love are important. They are the values that one must have in life.Without these attributes, nothing is meaningful. Life is meaningless without these attributes.Remember that only the attributes are relevant. If one has the attributes, one has everything.One does not need anything in the material world, in order to have the attributes. One does not require anything from the material world when one has the attributes.

Om Shanti, my dearest one, Namaste

SEER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti, Namaste

Thursday, 21 October 2021, 09:32 GMT+10 Baba's Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti, my sweet child

Everyone seeks to acquire material standards and values.They believe that without achieving material standards and values, they have nothing. They believe that life is only measured by these material standards and values.Some people claim to admire those who can live without material possessions, but they themselves will not try to live in that way. They will not give up their material possessions or values.Most people believe that one must have love, but this is material love. They refer to material love for friends and family.They believe that one must have happiness, but this too is material happiness. They believe that they can have this happiness through material matters.Then they seek material things or activities or matters in order to have material happiness. Those who have achieved material success are considered to have a meaningful life.One must remember that life is a journey. The journey does not require anything materially.The journey cannot be measured materially. The attributes are the only requirements for the journey.When one has true joy, peace, happiness, and love, one does not require anything else. The attributes are within, as they are who one really is.Remember that material standards and values are meaningless. They mean nothing to life.Life with the attributes is all that is required. Life without the attributes is empty.One does not need anything materially. Material standards and values are worthless.Remember that one can live without anything from the material world, but one has no real life, without the attributes.

Om Shanti, my sweet child


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