Do not value material matters. Appreciate things that give life meaning.

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Sunday, 24 October 2021, 17:12 GMT+10 Devi's Murali

SEER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti, Namaste

GODDESS SPEAKS: Om Shanti, my sweetest one, Namaste

One must be aware of what one values most in life.Most people value material things and material matters. They are only interested in these.Nothing else is important to them. Nothing else is relevant.All material things and matters are created by the material mind. They only exist because of the material mind.If these material things and matters are removed, one will still live. But most people assume that life is not worth living without these material things and matters.Remember that all material things and matters are temporary. They cannot be taken when one leaves the material world.One must learn to value the true meaning of life. One must learn to appreciate everything that gives meaning to life.There is no material value to these, but they are more important than any material things or matters. Without the true meaning of life, life is empty and meaningless.One must be aware of everything that gives true meaning to life. One must appreciate everything that gives this value.Remember that everything that gives meaning to life is created by Me. They are all My blessings to everyone.Om Shanti, my dearest one, Namaste

SEER RESPECTS GODDESS: Om Maha Shakti, Namaste

Sunday, 24 October 2021, 17:28 GMT+10 Baba's Murali


BABA SPEAKS: Om Shanti, my sweet child

Everything that one values in life will determine how one lives life.If one values material matters and things, one will constantly have desires and expectations. Then one will constantly have other unwanted emotions.One will have disappointment, unhappiness, loneliness, jealousy, greed or selfishness. One will constantly seek material matters and things to have material joy and happiness.Remember that all material matters and things are irrelevant. They are temporary and will disappear when one leaves the material world.One will also not have true joy or happiness because of one's unwanted emotions. One will not have a meaningful life.Remember that one must live life as it is meant to be. If one is constantly seeking material things and matters, one will not life life's purpose.Life without true joy and happiness is meaningless. Even if one has everything that one desires, life will still be meaningless.One must value everything that gives true meaning to life. One must appreciate everything, because these are gifts from the Creator.Most people only appreciate material things and matters. But these do not give one the true meaning of life.Om Shanti, my sweet child


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