٬٬˖˙☁︎ ⦂ A Brand New Light

378 21 20

⠀⠀by -NO0RI
⠀⠀w.d: 10/21/21
⠀⠀⠀"Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."

-Franklin P. Jones

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3rd Pov

"Over here, Ryusui!" Hayami pulls the man by the arm and they went on to ride the train. "This will take us to Shibuya and we can find some good fast food chains there." She gave him the gist of the place that they will be going to for the sake of Ryusui to prevent embarrassing moments later on. Plenty of people crowded inside the train until everyone was like packed sardines in a can.

Ryusui felt suffocated by the packed crowd in the train and he looks down at Hayami who had the look of someone who's used to this already. Feeling the gaze of a struggling man, she looks at him and flashes a halfhearted smile as she pats him on the shoulder. "You'll be fine." She mouthed before taking her attention away from the guy. Struck by the feeling of abandonment once she took her eyes off of him, Ryusui felt helpless and looked like a lost puppy even though he's just in the first half of the experience.

Feeling sulky, he kept on poking Hayami's shoulder till she notices him again or even snap at him. Any reaction would do as long as she looks at him. Unlucky enough for him, the girl had nerves of steel and had no reaction whatsoever. Could this be another trait of hers that she built up from experience? Is what he thought. He sighed in defeat, he kept himself from annoying the girl for now and wait until they reach the station that will lead to their destination.

"You look like a high school student. Quite the pretty face you have too. Wanna have some fun?" A voice that came from an obviously perverted man says to Hayami who faced the other way. The man leans over to her, his breath reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. "Hey. How about it? I'll give you cash, that's what high school girls like you want, right?" He kept disturbing her and out of all the people who were hearing all of this kept their eyes away from the scene, not wanting to be a part of any trouble.

Ryusui witnessed this all go down and from how the people turned their heads away and kept their eyes anywhere except from the scene. 'How..how could this be? Was this another everyday thing for the people here? This..is outrageous! I will not stand for this. I won't allow this to happen to women, especially her.' He clenched his hands into fists, considering the course of action he will take in this situation. "Are you deaf? I'm talking about money here, little missy. You want it don't you? Money."

"You think money will buy you satisfaction for your sexual desires? How pathetic." Ryusui spoke and he pushes the perverted man away from Hayami and he stepped in front of her. "It's the opposite. Money is the master of all and you're just some guy who happens to get ahold of a handful bills. Did it make your head grow? Looks like it did just from how cocky you're acting." He felt a tug on his sleeve and he looks back, seeing the embarrassed look of Hayami. "Just..cut it out. People are staring at us now." She whispered to him, feeling the eyes of many on her back.

"So you'd rather endure this treatment? Women are seen by men as objects for pleasure and they have no shame in their actions to get what their sexual needs are telling them." He intentionally raised his voice. "Take this man for example." He grabs the man who harrassed Hayami by his coat. "An adult drunk man approached a young girl half his age in this train packed with people who became witnesses to a sexual harassment caused by said man." Ryusui takes the wallet of the man, seeing his ID and other cards in the wallet. "From all the people in this train, all of you chose to turn a blind eye to keep away from trouble and let this man continue harassing this girl."

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