He Thinks I'm His

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Elizabeth's POV

"Elizabeth! Get down here or you'll be late for your first day of school!" yells my mother

"Coming mother!" I yell back to her and grab my bag and look at my self in the mirror, my dark brown hair that goes to about my mid-back, I have dark blue eyes, I'm not exactly fit but I have a slim body for being 17, my height is about 5'5.

I fix my purple shit and light blue jeans and go down stairs to greet my mother.

"Finally your ready, now get in the car and lets get you to school" I nod and walk out to her car and get in. I would get my own car but my mother says driving is to dangorus for me, it's quite embarrassing for a senior to have there mother mom drive you to school.

Once we got to my new school my mother wished me good luck and I went to the front office. After I got signed in and got my shedgual then found my locker. My first class is history so I made my way to that class.

As I waked in I was relived to see I was the first person to get to class. I introduced my self to the teacher and found a seat closet to the back.

After I sat down people started filling the room and taking seats. There was only two seat left, and the were both beside me. I started getting nervous for I knew people would talk to me, I get very nervous talking to new people.

Before I could even realize it a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes sat in the desk to my left smiling at me "Hello, you must be new here! I'm Cloe and welcome to St. Waters High!" she beamed at me, I smiled nervously, but something about her made me not so nervous like I could trust her.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth Mack, but I like to go by Liz" I said and she smiled at me but her smile faded "oh I don't think you should sit there that's-" her sentence was cut short when someone walked through the door and started to walk towards us. My mouth almost fell open looking at this hunk of a guy. He has black short hair that's spiked a little, percing silver eyes, he's muscular, and tan skin. But what I couldn't look away from was his eyes that seem to pour into my own.

When he reached my desk he said "I'm sorry but your in my seat, but for you you can have it" he smiled reviling his pearly white teeth, I returned the smile as he took the last seat that was to my right.

"My name is Keith, what's yours?" the sound of his voice makes me not nervous at all and looking into his eyes seems to calm my nerves and I just couldn't look away. I snapped out of my trance and replied "Elizabeth but you can call me Liz" his smile lightened up at hearing my name.

We talked through the whole class and when the bell rang I jumped. Keith just chuckled, I got up and left to go to my next class.

As the day went on I was for some reason sad that I didn't have anymore classes with Keith. I went to my locker and grabed my bag to leave, I started walking to the door when a hand grabed my wrist sending sparks up my arm. I turned around and saw Keith "Hey did you wana hang out some time?" I looked at him in shock as everyone else was staring at us causing me to blush. I quickly answered him "Oh um sorry can't, gota lot of unpacking to do" the look on his face showed disapoitment and sadness, making my heart ache, all I wanted to do is be closer to him and let his arms wrap around me. Wair why am I thinking about this? I just met him. I hadn't realized I had been staring out in space when Keith snapped his fingures in my face, the look on his face had shown concern and I didn't know why. I now remembered that my mother was waiting for me outside to pick me up, I tried to walk away but Keith's grip on my arm only tightened. I looked up at him and said "Keith I really have to go, my mother is waiting for me to pick me up so please just let me go" he didnt loosen his grip on my wrist and only said "please, come with me... I only want to be with you and-" his sentence was cut short when two guys that looked and seemed to resemble Keith, came up behind him and put there hands on his sholders. They must be his brothers or something.

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