Chapter 2

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hello people, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone wasn't reading this anymore...but if you still are here's the next chapter....sorry for the 4 month wait >~<


Elizabeth's POV

Wait what did he just say? Mine? What is he talking about? I am no ones personal property! I struggled to get out of his arms but he only tightened his grip around me. I hated this, first my wrist and now my body. Why wouldn't he just let go? He kept his head in my neck and didn't make a move "Keith let go now!" I said in anger and confusion about his actions. Again he tightened his hold, almost crushing my small body.

People were starting to stare and I felt a blush heat up my cheeks. I put my hands on chest tyring to push him off. It didn't work. That's when an idea popped up in my head. "Hey Keith would you kiss me?" I said innocently as he pulled his head back and eagerly nodded the started to lean in. I leaned in a little but before our lips touched I raised my knee in a swift movement and slammed it right where it hurts every man.

His eyes shot open and he grunted then let go of me, I took my chance and ran out the school. I was already about ten minutes from home when a black jeep rolled to a stop behind me. I looked behind me only to see Keith walking towards me. I turned my head around and started running as fast as I could, my legs were already burning from the run from the school so my speed right now wasn't the best, plus my shoes were not the best to run in. I heard the fast pace of his shoes hitting the ground behind me, I just told my self to keep running.

That's when I heard his footsteps stop abruptly and I was tumbled to the ground by two arms around my waist, my fall was softened by a bank of snow. I looked up to see Keith leaning over me, his eyes almost pitch black, it scared me. "What the heck!" I yelled at him

"Don't ever run from me again, do you understand? You are mine! I am never going to let you go!" he said. Ok this is crossing the line, so I did the first thing I could think of. i screamed. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" my voice as loud as I could make it go, but before I could scream more he quickly covered my mouth with his hand "Be quiet! Please! Just be quiet..."he trailed off, he pleaded and regret in his voice. "Why are you doing this to me? And I do not have to listen to you! I don't belong to you! So just let me go! Now!" I shrieked at my last word and his eyes when even darker than before. He was really starting to scare me. "No" the stubbornness and anger in voice was clear that he was not going to let me go any time soon. My eyes looked around to see us, my eyes leaned on a fast approaching car that was similar to Keith's. The car jolted to a stop and then the two guys from yesterday came over to Keith and I. "Keith let her go, you're scaring her." the one on Keith's left spoke. Then the other one spoke "If you're going to do what we both know you are about to do, then don't! She will hate you forever!" Keith growled loudly. Yes he growled and that was really starting to freak me out. "Can you please get him off me?" I yelled and they immediately grabbed Keith's shoulders who growled in response and wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck then inhaled deeply. "Keith don't you dare! I know it's not my place to interfere but think about what could happen" one of them tried reasoning.

"No! She will be mine and I will prove it to her and the she'll never want to leave me" he said coldly. Oh God what is gonna do to me wha-

My racing thoughts were interrupted when Keith moved his head well more like his mouth to the spot where my neck and shoulder meet, causing me to gasp realizing that spot is sensitive.

I heard some muffled words from one of the guys but my head was too quickly clouded. That's when Keith pressed his lips down and his mouth open, his teeth grew sharper and then he sunk them down on that spot. A scream of pain escapes my lips. I didn't like the situation and I hate to admit it but dang this does feel good. He pulled his teeth and started to lick the wound. Then I heard a low deep voice coming from behind us that belonged to a tall stern man that features resembled the three boys a lot; maby he is their father. "Keith get off her" his voice made me flinch and Keith growled and did not move. By his decision not to move the man grabbed Keith by his shirt and yanked him off me "Don't you ever disobey me again!" he yelled and I took my chance and took off running.

I made it safely back to my house and ran straight up to my room and slammed the door then looked in the mirror at my bite mark.

What the heck just happened? He just bit me, who does that? I really hope it goes away. I don't think I could ever talk to him after this, to clear my head I got my homework from my bag and tried doing it.

Keith's POV

"What the hell did you just do!" yelled my brothers and father.

"She is mine now." I growled out.

"She will never want to be with you know! You tackled her, refused to let her go, then marked her" my dad yelled.

'"Yes she will! I just know it" My voice lowered.

"Son I can understand that as soon as you find your mate all you want to do is claim her but you have to have some self control! Now she is going to avoid you and you're get all depressed all the time. Do you want that? By doing what you just did she's not going to give you a second chance" my fathers tone made it clear in my mind. what have I just done. I instantly regret it all. Panic rushing through me, I don't know what I'd do with out Liz, I already feel like if she goes then so does part of me. I need to think of something to win her back, so I took off in the woods that surrounded the streets and the town and shifted into my wolf not even caring about my cloths and ran.

I ran into the tall trees of the woods to clear my thoughts, it did not help much. After a few hours of running an idea came to mind and I turned around to go home.

I will not lose her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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