Chapter 9: Oscar Chased and Possessed

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In his own apartment, Oscar Pine, an accountant of sorts, was sort of having a party whilst some old fashioned disco music was playing.

"Do you have any Excedrin or Extra Strength Tylenol?" One of the guests asked after walking over

 Oscar wiped a dish, placed it down, then opened a cabinet above him.

"I think all I got is this acetylsalicylic acid.Generic. See, I can get six hundred tablets of that for the sameprice as three hundred of the name brand." Oscar states as he handed her a bottle of the said pain killers, which she opened. "That makes good financial sense. Good advice."

Oscar walked over to a group of the people in the party.

"How ya doing?" Oscar asked the crowd, getting various responses. "Why don't you have some of the Brie? It's atroom temperature. You think it's too warm in here for the Brie?"

A tall woman stood up in front of him.

"Oscar, i've gotta head out now." The woman comments as she grabs her jacket from the closet and headed for the apartment door

"Have a good rest of your night." Oscar responds as the woman left

Later, the doorbell rang, and Oscar opened it to reveal Ted and Annette Fleming.

"Ted! Annette!" Oscar comments

"Hi!" Annette responds

"Glad you could come. How you doing? Give me your coats." Oscar comments as he grabbed the coats from the two guests that just arrived. "Everybody, this is Ted and Annette Fleming."

"Hi!" All the various guests greeted

"Hi. How are you?" Annette responds

"Ted has a small carpet-cleaning business in receivership. Annette's drawing a salary from a deferred bonus from two years ago." Oscar comments as he walked over to the closet. "They've got fifteen thousand left on the house at eight percent.

Oscar opened his closet door. Some sort of demon dog was atop his bed. Oscar had not seen him and threw Ted and Annette's coats on top of demon dog's head.

"So they're okay with me, plus i'm sort of giving this as a thank you for helping me clean my own carpet last year." Oscar adds as he shut the closet door, not having noticed the demonic dog-like creature. "So, does anybody want to play Parcheesi?"

There was a growl. Oscar was amused. The neighbor at the elevator from a few floors down that had come by for a visit ate from a Fritos bag.

"Okay, who brought the dog?" Oscar questioned

The demon dog smashed the bedroom door and landed on the the table, sending it to the ground. Party guests screamed. Someone even jumped out the window onto a balcony to flee. A man shielded his face with a chair.Oscar ran out the door, the demon dog ramming the door down with it's horns.

 Oscar frantically pushed theelevator button. The doors opened. He ran into elevator. Oscar'sneighbor, an elderly woman, stepped out of her apartment. She saw the demonic dog and ran back into her room as Oscar got into the elevator.

Oscar then ran out of the building as fast as he could to try to get away from the demon dog, thinking it was actually some sort of bear.

"Help! There's a bear loose in my apartment!" Oscar shouts "Help! Help!"

Oscar ran across the street. Cars honked at him. He jumped and climbed over a wall into Central Park.

"HELP!!!!" Oscar cried out as he ran

A couple spoke with the Doorman

"A bear in his apartment." The doorman comments

"What?" The man questions

That's when the demon dog rushed out, seemingly the same direction as Oscar, knocking over the woman of the couple and the doorman. Oscar ran as fast as he could through Central Park.

"I'm going to have to bring this up at the next tenant's meeting." Oscar comments quickly and panicked. "There's not supposed to be any pets in the building."

Oscar came upon the Tavern on the Green. He went up the steps, stopped at a statue and turned, then ran up to windows. He banged once on the window. He ran to door. It was locked.

"Let me in. There's gotta be in a way in here. I gottaget-" Oscar says as he looked for a way in, accidentally knocking over a couple of chairs as he jumped over a bush. "Please, somebody,let me in!"

Oscar kept on screaming, then turned his head around then his whole body. His back pressed against the window, the demon dog had finally caught up to him.

"Nice doggie. Cute little pooch. Maybe I got a Milk-Bone." Oscar comments

 The demon dog growled as Oscar screamed in terror.

The restaurant guests turned towards Oscar. Oscar slid down to theground. The restaurant guests were quiet for a couple of seconds,then resumed their conversations. The music restarted.

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