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The avengers were on their way to a hydra base. They got an alert that there were weapons and they needed to take care of it. When they landed, they went to their position. Tony and Steve went west, Wanda and Natasha went east and Clint and Thor went north. Wanda and Natasha were checking everything, so far everything was abandoned. They walked further and saw a small figure laying on the ground. They got closer and opened the cell as quietly as possible. When there was a mouse noise the figure jumped up and scrambled to the corner of the cell, pulled her legs as close as possible and buried her head in it. It was a girl who couldn't be older than 3.

"Hey, it's okay.  My name is Natasha and my friend here is Wanda. We're not going to hurt you, we are here to help." Nat crouched down in front of the girl. The girl tilted her head slightly to look at the pair. "We're the Avengers. We are here to help you, can you stand up?" She asked softly. The girl looked a bit uncertain but stood up eventually. She looked down at the ground. "Will you come with us?" The redhead asked. The girl took a minute to answer but nodded her head a little. "Can I pick you up." She asked, not sure what the answer would be but she didn't know how she would get the girl to the jet otherwise. The girl looked into Natasha's eyes. The little girl wasn't sure if she could trust these people but she felt this weird connection that she couldn't explain. She gave the woman a slight nod of confirmation. Nat picked her up and they all walked back to the jet.

On the jet

They got the small girl to jet and said to the team that they were back and that there wasn't anything out of the ordinary on their side. The girl had her head buried in the crook of Natasha's neck. She was shivering like crazy. Nat shot a concerned look to Wanda, and Wanda looked back at her with the same worried expression. "Bruce, I need your help!" The redhead called. Not long after there was a man walking up to them.

"What is it Nat? Is somebody hurt?" He said worryingly. His eyes landed on the little figure in Natasha's arms and he almost instantly understood what was happening. "Alright let's see. Come with me I'll take you to the medical room." Bruce went ahead of them and walked into the room while Natasha followed with a scared little girl in her arms. Nat sat the girl on the table and Bruce started examining her.

(Time skip to after the examination)

When Bruce was done he mentioned for Nat to follow him outside. "Alright, so it's nothing major. She's underweight and dehydrated and seems to have missed a few shots. So I am gonna need to give them. As for now I want to keep her here for a few hours, get her started on an IV and give her something simple to eat. Her body temperature is a bit low but I think we can fix it within the next hours." Bruce explained.

"Okay." Nat nodded. She looked inside the room and saw the child crying silently. The redhead quickly went back into the room and scooped the girl up, trying to calm her down. The young child almost immediately curled into her and soon her little cries turned into sniffles. "There we go, it's alright little one. You're safe here." She soothed. After a few more moment the girl calmed down and Natasha decided to try and find out her name. "Hey little one, you wanne tell me your name?" She asked gently.

The girl looked up with a hint of scared in her eyes. She debated with herself for a while, considering if she could trust the woman in front of her. After a few more moment she mumbled her name. "Can you say that a little louder please." Nat asked softly. "Isabella." The girl repeated a little louder.

"That's a beautiful name. Do you have any parents? Do you know where they are." The redhead continued asking. The girl shook her head and looked down. "Okay, it's okay. Do you know how old you are." She changed the subject. Isabella nodded. "Can you show me." She asked. The child hold up two fingers still not looking up from the ground. "Wow, you're a big girl, aren't you." She praised. From her position Nat could see a little twinkle in her eyes, a slight smile forming on her face. Natasha smiled too before remembering something. "Hey, remember that Bruce checked you out?" She asked gently. Isabella thought for a second and then nodded. "Well he wants to keep you here for a few hours and set an IV up. He wants you to eat something small and keep you warm too." The redhead explained softly. The little girl looked up at her and shook her head.

"No, no go. Stay." She whispered. Natasha was confused as she didn't know what the girl was talking about. Isabella began shaking her head rapidly, whispering those words over and over again.

"Hey, Hey what's wrong sweetie, can you tell me?" Nat asked concerned. The toddler grabbed her hand and pulled them towards her. The little girl whispered the same words again and the redhead began to understand what she was trying to say. "Do you want me to stay?" She questioned. The girl nodded shyly. "Listen to me. I won't ever go away unless you ask me to, so I'm going to be here with you the whole time." Natasha assured Isabella. After that Bruce came walking in with the IV in his hands.

"Are you ready?" He asked kindly. Nat nodded and got Isabella situated on the bed again. The redhead took a chair and set it next to the bed so that Isabella could see her.

(Time skip because I don't know how this stuff works)

After Bruce was done Isabella felt like she could relax a little. She hadn't made it to hard for Bruce but she was visibly scared. Bruce walked out Isabella reached for Natasha again. The woman in response scooped the girl up careful not to tug at the IV an sat down on the bed with the girl curled up on her chest, barely awake.

"Close your, it's okay you're safe here I promise." She whispered, hoping that the child could get a few hours of sleep. Soon enough Isabella's breathing event out and she fell into a slumber. About half an hour later Bruce came walking in again with a blanket so that Isabella would be warm enough. Natasha carefully wrapped the blanket around the girl, making sure not to wake. Isabella whined a bit when she felt the comfortable warmth of a hand on her back leave its place, but never fully woke up.

Alright, so first chapter of this story, if you have any ideas you can dm me or leave them in the comments. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes if there are any.

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