Settling in

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/Isabella's POV/
I felt myself being picked up, I didn't know how long I've been sleeping for but I still feel tired. Suddenly I felt a cold breeze hit my skin and I whine a bit. Soon I don't feel it anymore but I feel a soft material protecting me from the cold. I hear a soft, sweet voice whisper comforting words into my ear. I recognize it. It's Natasha! She's sweet and helped me, I don't know why but I trust her even though I have only known her for a short amount of time. I open my eyes and look up at her. She notices almost instantly and gives me soft smile.

"Did you have a good sleep?" She asks me. I yawn and rub my eyes to fully awaken but nod my head. She lets out a quiet laugh when she sees me doing this. "That's good. We are at the compound, you're going to stay here for a while. Actually, there are a few other people I want you to meet." She says. I frown a little at meeting new people, I don't like it. It always gets busy and they began to fuss all at the same time. She doesn't notice and begins walking into the building. It's so big! I look around in awe, I've never really been out of the cage I was in not that I can remember at least. After walking a bit we enter a large room and I see people sitting on a couch. They are chatting with each other and drinking something. One of them notice us and smiles.

"Nat, who is that?" Another asks. She walks over to them and sits on the couch next to one of the boys.

"This is Isabella. Isabella this is the team, these are the people I wanted you to meet." Natasha says gently.

"Hi, I'm Clint. Nice to meet you." One of them says. "I'm Steve." A blonde says. "My name's tony." The third one says from the opposite of the couch. Another blonde one with long hair stands up with funny looking clothes and a hamer in his hand. "I am Thor, son of Odin, god of thunder and-." "Alright, you already met Bruce and Wanda and the rest should be around so you'll meet them later." Natasha cuts in. Thor sits back down, he is strange but funny.

"Can you tell them 'hi'?" She asks. I mumble a 'hi' before turning in her arms and hiding the best I could. Everyone laughs a bit. "Alright, I'm going to settle her in a room, Tony could it be possible that she can use the room opposite of mine?" Nat asks. He nods and she starts walking to what I suppose would be the rooms. We take the elevator and when the door opens we see a large hall with so many doors. She stops at a door and opens it to reveal what I think is her room. We go inside and she sets me on the bed. "Alright, wait here for a second I'll be back soon okay?" She tells me. I wait for a bit and when she comes out she had changed into pajamas. "You want to get ready too?" She asks me. I stay silent for a minute before slightly nodding my head. I was really tired even though I slept the whole ride to this place. "Alright. There are some clothes in the bathroom, you can use them to sleep in for tonight and then tomorrow maybe we can go shopping. Get you some clean clothes a hairbrush and some toys." She tells me. I was getting really excited about tomorrow. I went to change and come out after changing.

She was scrolling on her phone when I came back out and I tuck at her pants to get her attention. She looks down and smiles when she sees it is me. I slowly hold up my arms. "Up." I whisper. I am pretty scared for how she might react, but I am relieved when I see her smile grow. She picks me up and kisses my forehead.

"You ready to go to bed?" She asks. I know I was going to be across from her but I am not really in the mood to let go of her, scared that if I do she might go away. I don't say anything and just nod my head. She walks to the other room and lays me down on the bed. "I'm sorry it's boring but we'll get decorations for the room when we go shopping." I smile and nod my head. "Alright then, goodnight little one. If you need anything you can always come to me, I'm right across the hall." She says in a soft voice, barely above a whisper. I nod my head and she goes to the door, switching off the light on her way out. "I'll see you tomorrow." She says from the door. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep. I am exhausted.

Time skip to middle of the night

I wake up sweating and breathing heavily. I had a nightmare, about what the doctors did to me while I was in that cage. I am scared they will get me again. I don't want to be alone but I also don't want to wake Natasha. After debating if I should go and wake her I decide that I just go to her room and see from there. I go to her door and open it as quietly as possible. I go to the bed and touch her arm. "  'Tasha, you 'wake?" I whisper. She shoots up in the bed and I jump a little. She scared me. I back away from the bed. Tasha looks around and notices me. I think she realizes what she did from the look on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Will you come here, tell me what's wrong?" She asks. I slowly go over and she picks me and sets me in her lap. "What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" She asks. I nod, hiding in her neck. "It's alright, you wanne talk about it?" I shake my head. "You sure? It helps me if I have one." She tells me. I look up at her.

"You have too?" I ask in wonder. She smiles a bit and nods her head.

"Yeah, but you know what? Whenever I have one and it really scared and I'm not sleepy anymore, I go downstairs and make a nice cup of hot chocolate. You want to do that?" I look at her in confusion. I didn't know what a hot chocolate was, let alone how it tasted. What if I don't like it and then she is going to hate me? "You know what it is?" She asks. I shyly shake my head not looking at her. "That's alright, we can go and you can try it. Would you like that?" I am silent for a moment but eventually nod. She picked me up and takes me downstairs. She sets me down on the counter and starts on the hot chocolate's. After a few minutes it is done and she places a cup near me. We move to the couch and begin to drank our drinks. After I tasted it my eyes widen. "You like it?" She asks with a smile. I nod my head enthusiastically. "You wanne talk about your nightmare now?"

I hesitate but eventually I give in. "It was that you weren't there and mean men got me 'gain. Don't w-wanne go back. Pwease don't s-send me back." I cry.

"Hey, Hey Izzy, listen to me. I'm not going to send you back, I'm never sending you back, okay. I'll always be here for you." Tasha says. I notice that she used a nickname, I like it. I look up at her to see if she's telling the truth. She is! She isn't lying. After we finished we set the cups away. I immediately snuggle into her side and close my eyes. After a few minutes everything goes black and I can just feel myself being picked up and carried upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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