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If your phone can only talk, it would be cursing you nonstop. You've checked on it for more than five times in minutes and you're getting anxious the longer you stay in this restaurant. You feel eyes on you for every time the waitress would ask you for your order and say would wait on your date. But your date is running late for more than an hour now.

This is why you hate putting yourself out there, of expecting too much from someone who shared little with your interests. You wanted to try, you wanted to see if love is still on the table for you or will it be purely sexual from here on out? You're fed up with one-night stands and loveless encounters but the universe is actually fucking up your chances of achieving that.

The waitress walked towards your table, smiling. "Hi, can I get you anything? More water?"

I shake my head and she respectfully retreated in the corner waiting for other people and doing her job. I shouldn't be this annoyed at how this evening turned out. There was so many red flags yet I still wanted to go through with it. Well, fuck compassion, I guess.

You look around and see normal people having a good time, you just don't know why you can't have that. Pissed off about being stood up, you're raise your hand for the bill and the waitress walks up to you when a tall, heavily built guy, slid on the seat in front of you. His curls kept sticking out over his forehead and his chin. Hold on, a dimpled chin? His white shirt seem to be top of the line and the way two buttons are undone and you're clearly seeing his chest hair. You stop yourself from dropping your jaw like a fucking lunatic and focused on his arms. His broad shoulders is so distracting and his biceps, more even. You almost salivated at the mere sight of him but you remembered he belongs to the species you very much despise at the moment. You peel your eyes away, thinking he's another customer who can't wait for the table to be cleared.

"Hey, sweetheart. Sorry, traffic's been crazy today." You whip your head back to him and the waitress looked at you and at him, suddenly confused. You wish you can say you're not but you definitely are. Mr. Stranger raises his hand causing the waitress to remove the bill from your hand and retreat.

He leans in on the table and looks straight at you, his frame almost overshadowing you on the other side, not like you're at parr with his size but his shadow loomed over you, dominating you oh, so subtly.

"I'm Henry. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick."

Your heart warms at his words and you're damn sure your cheeks are sending off a better message. You stop yourself from smiling and you wonder if you're in a middle of a dream. The waitress came back with two menus and the stranger in front of you just scanned through it like he's a regular here. Maybe he is. You wouldn't really know since this is your first time.

He peers at you over his menu and you see the twinkle in his eye. "I don't know, babe. I prefer almost everything on this menu. Why don't you pick?"

You stare at him, dumbfounded and I guess, the waitress feels the same way because she hasn't looked back at you ever since he sat on the table. I browse through the menu and some looked familiar while others looked really bizarre to you. You turn your gaze at him again and he nods, urging you on.

"Uh, I'll have the Beef Wellington. You?" You know when you lift your eyes, those blues are the ones they will see. Those blues that pulls you in, ever so slowly. He smiles at you and nods at the waitress.

"We'll have two Wellies, thank you." Even his voice is pure sex alone. You feel your body warming up when it was cold just a few seconds ago. You steal a glance his way and you can't help but clear your throat. Suddenly, it became so stifling in this open space.

Curious about his motive is, your fight mode turns on and couldn't help but wonder why he's at your table.

"Why are you doing this?" You ask, wishing the truth is not as painful as you maybe imagine. Maybe he's just looking for a casual fuck, which would be very much okay with you, by the way. But his physique, his whole goddamn existence doesn't make sense for him to come after you. Definitely, a one-night stand.

"I'm drinking at the bar, scanning the crowd when I saw you. You had this look on your face. Something I don't ever want to see in a woman." He sips on his wine like he just told me the most natural thing in the world. No, it's not. My insides shivered at the thought.

"So, you're a gentleman then?" You ask, picking up your own glass of wine, feeling the sweet kick of alcohol on your lips before it reaches your tongue. Now, you're having dirty thoughts about that white shirt of his. Or how his muscles would flex underneath it yet you can see it vividly.

You swallow a lump forming in your throat and you think you're getting ahead of yourself, so you drink more of that wine trying to ease your nerves.

"Slow down there, captain. Hangovers are the worst." His deep baritone vibrate through your skin like a symphony. You can't help but smile. This day turned out greater than you thought it would be.

Both of your orders came and you both ate silently. You don't want to jump into a conversation and appear desperate but half of you also wants to know every bit of information about the Adonis in front of you.

After you're both finished eating, you don't want the moment to end but the sad reality hits you when he excused himself to the bathroom. The usual excuse for escape. You don't know why you expected him to be something different but I guess, it was awesome while it lasted.

You called for the waitress but she informed you that your bill was taken cared of. At least, he was indeed a gentleman. He didn't make any sexual comments about your dress or make you feel violated. Definitely, this is a night you won't forget.

You step outside the restaurant and you regret you left your cardigan at home. This was supposed to be a fun night, at the very least, you had an amazing end to it. You hug yourself and pull out your phone, booking a ride home when strong arms envelope you. Making you gasp and stumble at the same time. Once you're steady, the cold breeze outside you can't feel anymore. You look up and there he is, again. Appearing like a knight in shining armor.

You open your mouth to say something but there are no words, he looks down at you, eyes in awe.

"I thought –"

"You thought what?" he asks, still looking down at me. You didn't realize you're gripping his arms for dear life. You let go and steady yourself, not making you look an idiot.

"I just thought that you'd left..." You say softly and he holds your chin so you're forced to look up at him, to look at those heavenly eyes and pretend not to melt.

"I'm here, am I?" he smiles and caresses your cheek, the burst of electricity you can feel anywhere.

"Thank you for paying for my food, I'll pay it back." You are a stuttering mess around him and he can't help but chuckle.

"Oh, woman. You are just one of a kind." He pulls you into his arms, his warmth and cologne intoxicating you.

"T-thank you for today, Henry." You shyly say against his chest and you can feel the steady beating of his heart, you can't say the same to yourself. Your heart gallops like a fucking stallion in heat. He pushes you slowly, away from him, still his arms are around you and looks down.

"Who says this date is done?" He looks down at you and you bite your lip.

"A date, huh?" You ask him, chuckling, finding the situation even funny.

"And also, this night is far too interesting to not follow through, don't you think? I mean, another man's stupidity is another man's..."

You wriggle out of his arms and laugh, walking towards the empty streets of the city, shaking your head at what he's about to say.

"I prefer you not finishing that sentence..."

He smiles and his fangs appeared into view, his dimples making themselves known, he looks more endearing. Oh God, he is gorgeous. He follows you and adamant to take your hand in his while you're walking and you let him, because it felt good, it felt like kismet and there's nothing you can do but say yes to it.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

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