The anniversary

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It was a day like any other in Gotham, or so it seemed.

Jerome had postponed his plans after remembering his wedding anniversary.

It had already been three years since he had come up with an idea that it would be fun to leave Gotham one night to drive to Las Vegas and get married there without much trouble.

He had planned almost everything in his mind for their anniversary, deciding to improvise something on the moment.

The ginger kept walking back and forth across the room thinking about the mental list he had made himself making sure everything was there:

Flowers ✓

Gift ✓

Surprise for later ✓✓✓

He frowned slightly as he thought about what he was missing and snapped his fingers, realising it was the dinner.

Jerome rushed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to find the ingredients to make Y/n's favourite food who was currently working.

It took him three tries to get a decent dessert because of course Jerome started with the dessert and completely messed up the kitchen, then decided to skip the other dishes and order pizza.

The ginger still had to make up for forgetting their anniversary the year before, but he was working on making this as perfect as possible to make Y/n forget their last one.

He had arranged everything for his woman's return.

The last time that Jerome had checked their wall clock it was 6:50pm and it was still 40 minutes before his lovely little doll would be back from her work shift so he could spend as much time as he wanted with her.

Now that he checked again it was already 8pm and there was no sign of Y/n.

He began to grow more and more impatient as he thought about what he could do, pick her up from work? Check what she was doing? She always came back at the same time....

Just as he decided to go check on her angel he heard the lock on the front door and he quickly got up from the couch and rushed like a puppy waiting for his master at the front door to open the door for her.

Y/n looked up surprised to see Jerome putting her keys back in her bag before quickly pecking his lips and heading into the kitchen, the ginger quickly closed the door following her sullenly "what was that?" the girl looked up from her bag pulling out her laptop after sitting down at the counter, turning it on "what?" he pointed at his lips, raising an eyebrow then turned to the clock pointing at it "and you were supposed to be back 30 minutes ago! I had everything ready, I even fixed the flat like I was a housekeeper which I didn't even do that often when my mother was yelling at me to do it!", Y/n continued to look at him remaining calm shifting her attention to the laptop that had turned on "there was traffic Jerome and I still have to finish editing the article and send it to my one asked you to fix the flat anyway", she looked up meeting a furious Jerome who continued to stare at her completely serious "do you know what day it is today? ", The girl nodded quietly answering his question gently grabbing the ginger's hand filling it with small gentle kisses to calm him down, letting go when she noticed it had worked "I still find you sexy when you get angry, my love", Jerome returned to smiling at this comment turning his smile into a malicious one moving closer to her from behind starting to hug her waist filling her neck and shoulder with small kisses, slowly bringing his mouth close to her ear "and does it ring any bells hearing that date? " he purred, biting her earlobe.

Y/n nodded trying to remain indifferent "our anniversary", Jerome smiled more nipping at her neck now "correct answer doll face", she smiled nodding without stopping typing on the keyboard "huh what? I thought you didn't care about celebrating it, that's what you said last year, what were the adjectives?, Oh true, banal and obvious." Jerome groaned at the mention of the previous year's anniversary hiding his face in her neck "that was last year...can I change my mind? Or is it forbidden, doll?" the girl snorted a laugh, nodding ignoring his groans and attempts to seduce her, watching him leave about twenty minutes later sullenly continuing to mutter to himself "you asked for it".

It had been half an hour since Jerome had left the kitchen sulking, Y/n had finished sorting out the article for her work and was eating pizza waiting for her handsome husband to return.

She didn't have to wait much longer, smiling after hearing some groans of frustration from her man and his footsteps getting louder and louder as he got closer, she heard a thud just before she could even see his shadow.

Y/n put down the glass she was drinking from, taking another piece of pizza already familiar with the chaos created by the ginger in their flat "are you okay, honey? " she heard, again, the footsteps and Jerome's voice shortly after "all in one piece doll, I can't say the same for the porcelain vase and the flowers that were in it".

The girl slowly looked up to see Jerome and comment on his actions with a sarcastic joke ending up choking on her pizza because of the laughter that started at the sight of her husband who was now standing in front of the kitchen entrance looking slightly annoyed at his appearance. He looked up at her raising his eyebrows "it's not funny doll, I think I've just been tricked, it wasn't what I ordered on the internet to wear for the anniversary surprise".

Y/n tried to calm down without taking her eyes off the ginger in front of her wearing a pink bodysuit with Peppa Pig on it. Lightly clearing her throat she walked over to him gently patting his arm while remaining as serious as possible "I think it suits look very...attractive", Jerome smiled naughtily, slightly puffing up his chest at the compliment "you think so doll?", Y/n shook his head quickly bursting into another fit of laughter unable to contain herself any longer "no", he stopped smiling looking at her slightly annoyed and sullen, accepting the kiss she gave him anyway before she wrapped her arms around his waist, maintaining eye contact "but it succeeded in one thing...I certainly feel more like taking it off you now, so I won't see it again on you".

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