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ground, from the sky.it's direction
swing with along with wind.

a girl felt on her knees holding her
chest that aching.she can't control
her breathe.she can't breathe.
her e/c orbs panicked.

the blue haired boy panicked as he
shake his friend panicking.

"[y/n]? [y/n]! what's happening?" he
said checking the girl.

"i....c-can't.....breathe..." [y/n] mumble
between her hard breathing,but
enough to souya to understand it.

souya pick her in a bridal style and
start running to where he park his

as they finally reach his bike he put
[y/n] in the back telling her to hold
tight on his waist.calling an
ambulance is a waste of time, because
it will take longer to wait for it.

souya start the engine and start driving
to the nearest hospital hoping that
his friend will be okay.

takemichi stumbled keeping his
balance after receiving many punch
from taiju, the black dragon's captain.

he walk backwards still regaining his
balance, he snapped out hearing
whimpers outside. he turned to the
slightly open door as he heard a voice
that he never heard before,a voice
that he cannot recognized.

but maybe he cannot recognized the
voice, but recognized the h/c who peek
in the door.he stared at the hair until
it disappeared.

'[y/n]?' he thought.

mikey and draken is on their way to
the church to see what happened,
hearing mitsuya's impulse.but then,
they caught a blue haired and h/c
drove passed them, that seems in

"kenchin i am hallucinating or did
i just saw angry with [y/n]-chan?"
mikey whispers as draken stopped the
bike and stared at the road where
the two just went.

"i think you're not. i saw it too." draken

"I'm wondering why [y/n]-chan looks
so paled." mikey sighing.

"you have a telescope or something
in your eye?" draken jokingly said
starting the engine again.

Souya waited infront of the emergency
room walking back and forth.

"souya where is she!?" sato, [y/n]'s dad shouted from afar approaching souya.

"she's still in the emergency room,
sir." souya worriedly said.

"what happened to her?" a long black
and yellow hair boy appeared in sato's
back, his braided hair.

souya's eyes become dull eyeing the
boy not wanting to tell the truth to
the boy.

"don't look me like that, you're creeping
me out." ran said leaning in the wall
averting his eyes.

"souya it's okay when you called he's
with me talking business, i need to
come here with him and ride his bike
since i forgot to bring my car." sato

souya let out a 'tch' looking away.
"we we're on our way to buy ramen
and she said she want to visit church
first, but when we got there..." he
paused for a moment. "we saw mitsuya
hugging another girl, and she started
breathing heavily,and told me she
cannot breathe." souya said looking
down clenching his fist.

"huh, looks the one she chooses over
me cheated." a chuckled came out
from ran's mouth remembering him
and [y/n] arrange marriage.

"shut up, braid hair." souya said looking
his blue orbs clashing with the violet

"if you want to fight then i'll fight you
right here." ran stand straight his
eyes become serious, his face as well.

before they could even step forward
a doctor came out from the room,
sweats was all over his forehead as
he removed his gloves and mask.

"doc, how is she?" souya asked as
his angry face turned into worried

"i'm sorry..." the doc said making the
three men's stiffined.

ran look at them with a calm face,
but deep inside he was more worried
than these two.even it's sad on him
how [y/n] reject the arrange marriage
with him, he still cares at the girl.
of course he fell in love with the girl,
even in a short amount of time they

he love [y/n] much which it even
ended giving the girl he like to the
boy she truly loved.giving you're
girls heart is the most stupidest
thing he do in his life, however it's
still a good choice for him.he
always can see the girl smile around
with mitsuya, she's more happy
when she's with him.it mades ran
happy too.he's happy for the girl he


the plot twist lmao

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