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you said eyeing him, as he followed
you behind.you just fast your pace.

"be nicer to your fiance will you?" he
said not bothered by your sentence
putting his hands on his pocket and
continue following you.

"fiance my ass." you said paying for
the books and went out of the store.

"just ride on my bike, i'll drive you
home." he ask nicely, giving you
a small smile.

"i would rather get a taxi than ride in
your bike." you said not even glancing
on his side.

"come on, it's already 7pm."

"i'll wait for yoichi-san." you started
walking away not knowing where
are you going.

"OI! [Y/N]!" you heard him shouted
behind, you were glad that he didn't
followed you.

"she's really a stubborn." ran mumble
looking at the dark sky.

he started walking where did you go,
lingering around worrying that something
bad happened to you.

he scan every hallways hoping to find
you, but he can't.then he received a call
from your dad.

"ran where are you?" sato asked on the
other line.

"i don't know where i am, but I'm finding
[y/n] because she walk away from me."
he heard sato sigh on the other line.

"she's in the hospital after some
strangers brought her after they saw
[y/n] collapse on the ground."

ran walked through the hospital halls
finding the room where the h/c is.
he's busy looking at the hospital room
numbers not knowing that he bumped
on the other person.

"i'm sorry." he heard the person said,
that's the time he snapped out and
look at the person he bumped walking

silver hair, and earrings.

he glanced at the boy until he turns his
direction and faded on his sight.he
then continue walking until he finally
found the h/c's room.

that's the time he caught a glimpse
on his rival in your heart.


"i'm sorry but her disease is winning
over her body." the doctor said
scribbling something.

"what you mean doc?" sato said
worrying about what might happened
to her daughter.this is the worst
christmas gift he had.

"i can't sure that we can save her." the
doctor said.

"what do you mean you can't save her?
this is a hospital! you're a doctor! you
should save her!" ran said raising his
voice grabbing the collar of the doctor's

"braid hair calm down." souya said
holding ran's arm that holding the
doctor's collar.

"tch, how the hell you can calm down
in a situation like this." ran mumble
letting go of the doctor's collar.

"doc please try your best to save her,
they're might still a chance that you
can save her.i'll pay whatever it cost."
sato said pleading to the doctor.

"i will sir, but i still can't promise that i
can save her life."

they turn around as they heard a growled,
seeing you slowly waking up.souya is
the first who came in your side.

"[y-y/n] how are you feeling?" he asked
helping the girl to stand sit.

"w-where's mitsuya?" you mumble
as souya look down clenching his

"after what he'd done to you, you still
care for him?" ran bluntly said a tick
veins popping on his forehead
hearing mitsuya's name coming out
from your mouth.

"r-ran don't talk like that.i-i know it's
just a misunderstanding." you weakly

"if it's just a misunderstanding then
why he's not here in your side [y/n]?"

you felt like a water splash in your
face as ran said those words.he's
right.mitsuya is not here in your side.
he's with another girl, you remembered.


i need to end this story right away,
so i can freely rewrite the 'awakening'.
and also i'm planning to write another
ff, the title is "PAGSAMO" , it's
mikey x reader. I hope y'all are happy
to hear it!

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