Landslide - 4

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    Landslide was not sure of how to feel about these strange dragons. He could already tell that the SkyWing didn't want him or Beige's family to come along, but thankfully the rest of the group was welcoming.

    After the group put their thank yous in the pond (Landslide thanked for his remaining siblings survived), the dragons walked through the tents of talon made products. They stopped at a tent of scarves where the little pink RainWing bounced around the SkyWing draping craves around her. The eyeless HiveWing stood still, with her ears upright, listening to the bustling around them, running a scarf through her talons silently. She was sort of creepy. Landslide thought it was kinda of cool.

    "Aren't these pretty?" The blue hybrid said. Landslide thought he might have been a SeaWing and SilkWing, with his glowing scales and four wings and antennae. The LeafWing peered at a bright orange scarf with purple stripes,

    "...Sure," he said, peering at a plant on the grass.

      Landslide turned to Beige, who was paying for a tiny clay bead bracelet Mirage picked out. "Beige," he said.

    After a moment, he turned. "What, Landslide?" 

    "Who are these dragons?" Landslide said sharply, looking suspiciously at the group.

    "Oh," Beige said. He pointed to each of the dragons in turn. "That's Agate, Bloom, Epiphyte, Splinter, Crab, and Exo. I'm Beige." He smiled.

    "I know," Landslide said with an eyeroll. "Why are we with them?"

    "Well," Beige said, handing the bracelet to Mirage. "I thought it'd be nice to try and make some new friends and besides, you've had your eyes on that HiveWing ever since we joined them. Thought I'd try and help you out."

    Landslide thumped the side of his tail with his own. "Shut up! I don't like her!" Landslide harumphed. Exo looked over, her ears twitching and swiveling, and Landslide growled at Beige. He shrugged and scampered along with the group as they moved on.

   Landslide wasn't a huge fan of the park, and Beige knew that. He silently appreciated how Beige kept suggesting they left.

   Landslide was told the absolute worst news of his life in the park. He was three, so about seven or so years ago. He had been playing in the fountain and his two older siblings, Toad and Fossil, were watching him. He didn't remember much else from that day and he wasn't too worried about anything except why a LeafWing was drifting down to his family with a worried and sad expression.

    "Are you Dandelion and Gecko's sibs?" He'd asked, as Toad waved Landslide over. Landslide bounced over, looking up at the LeafWIng warily. Why was he asking about Dandelion and Gecko?

    "Is this everyone?" The LeafWings said, worrying a claw. Fossil shared a worried glance at Toad and put his wing around Landslide. His wing was shaking.

    "What is it? Has something... happened?" Toad said, her voice quivering and choking out the last word. Her eyes were glistening and she was biting her lip, while Fossil's eyes were hard and his jaw was set.

   "I'm sorry," said the LeafWing, looking away. "The group on Pantala, that Dandelion and Gecko were apart of, were attacked by what seems a rogue group of explorers. Only one dragon returned, and I'm sorry, neither of them were your sibs."

    In that moment, when Toad broke down and was always shaky and Fossil became cold and silent and angry, Landslide realized what was going on.

    His two oldest siblings, the ones who worked the highest paying job in the city, were dead.

   What were they going to do?

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