Agate - 20

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"No," Epiphyte said, standing up so fast he stumbled. "He has to be here."

"I'm sorry, I don't know where he is." Beige turned his talons palm up and shook his head.

"Oh my god..." Epiphyte paced around the small apartment.

"Epiphyte, he's probably somewhere. Maybe he just needs time alone?" Agate offered.

"No!" he cried out. Agate heard the same pain in his voice that she had heard in her mother's voice when she was told of Jasper's death.

"All of you- except Bloom, of course, get out!" Epiphyte covered his eyes with one talon, but his cheeks were wet with tears. Poor guy.

He herded all of them out and slammed the door. The four of them, Beige, Crab, Exo, and herself, stood in the dim hall awkwardly.

"Um- I'm going to get going," Beige said. "Siblings are very clingy right now, and I have to write to my parents- see you guys later," Beige turned and briskly walked out of the hall and down another corridor.

"Crab? Can you please fly me home then?" Exo asked. Crab looked at Agate with a sideways look, as if he really wanted to fly her home.

"Um- sure..." Crab said, tapping her talon. Agate felt an awful rush of jealousy. "Can we all meet up tomorrow before we have to go back to school?"

Agate had forgotten entirely about the Academy. "Yeah- I'll see you tomorrow, then. Bye," She waved at the two of them as Crab attached a string of silk around Exo's talon very gently, and then they carefully flew off together.

Agate, who was regrettably seething with jealousy, turned around and went down the other way, to the other exit, away from the perfectly happy dragons that went away without her.

Crab and Agate were sitting in the park on a calm day. She leaned up against him, with their talons interlocked. She breathed softly, filling her lungs with his scent and the quiet stillness of the dragon city.

"I think I love you," Agate whispered, closing her eyes. She held her breath, waiting for an answer.

Crab didn't respond.

"Hello? Crab?" Agate asked, opening her eyes. Crab was not there.

In fact, even all the other dragons that had been peacefully enjoying the day were gone, too.

"Hello?" Agate called again, standing up. "Crab? Anybody?"

It felt like the world had stopped. There was no wind, and each blade of grass and leaf stayed completely still. She walked down the park towards the Peace Tower, which looked as big and as old as it usually did. Not even its leaves rustled. There was no noise, except for Agate calling out and brushing the grass with her tail.

She grew scared. "HELLO? ANYONE?" she hollered. She flapped her wings a few times to try and get someone's attention, but she heard nothing. Agate crouched and lifted off into the air.

She soared, looking for any movement. There weren't even any birds in the sky or bugs that smacked off her wings and chest as she flew. Agate wheeled around, searching, and found herself flying towards Splinter's house.

"Hello?" she called, opening the door and going inside. The walls were practically made of plants, and the wooden floors were littered with dirt and roots. "...Splinter?"

She searched the house. She felt very strange- like her talons were moving without her command. She growled and rubbed her aching eyes. Why do they hurt so bad? My head too...

Wings Of Fire: Closing Eyes (Prequel To The Last Day Series)Where stories live. Discover now