0 2 5: fucked up

392 11 3

Mentions: smoking

"Woah, really? That's nice to hear, wait where are Karl and Techno?",Sapnap changes the subject and looks at you

"Techno is back in the house and Karl is with us, but I don't really know where he is", You responded as you just kept chit chatting with Sapnap leaving Alex in the background

Alex's POV:

I just listened to their conversation as I was left in the background. As I heard Karl's in their conversation i quickly messaged Karl and send our current location
I just waited for Karl and the others to get here so we can leave this jackass. God I'm being too judgey jeez...I'll just be patient but yet again I just wanna leave already
I took my fire lighter out and just played with it while waiting for their conversations, I got bored easily so I ended not really paying attention

"Hey Alex!", Y/n then turns to me, and Sapnap turned to me too

"E-eh yeah?", I looked at both of them, fixed my posture and stopped the fire from my lighter

"Do you smoke?", you oddly ask out of nowhere. I looked at them, clearing my throat "Uh yeah I do, why?" I ask since I wasn't paying attention on what they were saying.
"Oh that makes two of you then" Y/n turned back to Sapnap
"No reason I just asked since you have a fire lighter and Nick has a vape, making you guys smoke buddies" "Yeah no, that name sounds stupid" I said, trying not to sound threatening

Sapnap's POV:

"Yeah no, that name sounds stupid" As I heard that, I kinda felt bad for y/n since Alex sounded really rude right now. "Uh anyways...who's else on the los nevados gang?" I asked as I tried changing the subject, jeez I thought that Alex guy is chill but turns out he's a rude ass. I wonder why though, maybe he just slept on the wrong side of the bed? Maybe, but I get the feeling I did something unforgivable to him, as if he is against me. Now to think about it, it could be the fact cause y/n was happy to see me. Probably, maybe Karl or Techno knows I'll just ask them I guess....

"Oh, uh well theres Alex of course, Phil, Puffy, A guy named Darryl but preferred to be called Bad, Zak preferred to be called Skeppy, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and many other people I just don't remember all their names yet"

"Interesting, well at least you guys are safe, things were a lot worse back at the house, we buried Alyssa's body, and that jackass Malcolm didn't even attend to the funeral, we told Ponk and Schlatt about it, and they felt really bad, Schlatt didn't came out of his room for a while after we told him, George started blaming himself for Alyssa's death, so does Niki. And Clay has been working out himself too much, then theres me and Ponk trying to comfort each and every one of them...but I can send them a message saying that you guys are ok, I mean of course you guys would I mean you were supposed to be our new leader" Sapnap chuckled as he took out his phone but accidentally dropped his vape

I soon took my vape from the ground, and as I stood back up I took a quick glance at Alex, looking really irritated at me

But the very first question that did come up was if he hates me, I mean we don't even know each other. Jeez, now I think I'm being too judgey but oh well...

Back to our POV:

As Sapnap got up and continued talking with you, still leaving Alex in the background. You started to hear fast footsteps from afar, you turned around to see Karl running towards you guys. Sapnap looked at the side and saw Karl


Alex pulled you over to him for Karl to run towards Sapnap, by grabbing your wrist. Karl immediately hugged Sapnap and thankfully Sapnap hugged him back. Not long after Skeppy, Bad and Wilbur caught up

"Oh these are also part of the gang right?", Sapnap guessed as he and Karl loosened up their grips on each other

"Yeah we are, I'm guessing you're Sapnap ay?", Wilbur took out his hand to greet him and introduced himself

After some conversations, Sapnap needed to stay in an apartment with an old friend of his. So you said your goodbyes and started walking back home

Along the way you guys talked about what you saw in the mall, well at least most of you guys, Alex didn't say a word though, you obviously noticed but didn't asked about it yet

As you guys got back, Alex started walking straight up stairs to his room

"Hey Ale-" Techno was cutoff by Alex just ignoring him, Techno looked at you in confusion, you gave him the same look back

You got sick and tired of how he has been quiet ever since Sapnap left so you decided to follow him

He opened his door room, went inside and was about to slam it shut, but you stopped the door from hitting the door frame and peeked inside his key hole
As you peeked in, Alex was laying on his bed facing the celling, he looked both frustrated and sad, after a few seconds probably like 10-15 he sat up and just stayed like that for a few minutes he looked in different directions here and there around his room, then he spread his legs apart he put both his arms on his knee, he rested his head by putting his head down, resting it on his arms. After a few minutes. He took off his beanie and fixed his hair to get it off his face, he then proceeded to just sit there then he stood up and started to lift his shirt up to change (oops- creator did that on purpose ;> )

You looked away since it was kinda weird looking, you didn't want to be a perv but then you accidentally glanced a bit in the key hole, making you look at Alex. You got startled and wanted to get up but then bumped your head on the door handle making Alex alert. You got up and rubbed your head as you were tip-toeing your way to your room but it was too late

Alex opened the door, with him having a shirt on and looked at you

"Y/n/n? Did you hurt yourself?"


Yayy Xen is back with another chapter
Sorry it took so long btw but uh yeah don't really have much to say now soooo
Have a nice day/afternoon/night everyone!!

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