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The smell of earl grey and biscuits filled the room as (name) typed away at his laptop, the day just starting and he refused to waste even a moment of time planning his boss' week.

(Name) was efficient, he prided himself on it, he had to be if he was going to be the esteemed principle of U.A's assistant after all. Orientation was currently taking place--hell it probably ended and he would be none the wiser.

He didn't even notice the door open before a light cough and sniffle alerted him to another living being in the room before looking up then down to see a short young man purple balls for hair sobbing before his desk.

"Is there something I can assist you with? Principle Nedzu won't be in for at least another 45 minutes, would you like me to take a message?" (Name) stated as he looked at the clock on the wall, keeping calm and collected as the grape haired boy cried out "A-aizawa expelled me! I want to talk to someone! I worked my whole life for this, he cant just expell someone on their first day!" Stomping his foot like an insolent child would, the teen expected sympathy or at least pity but he didn't expect a dead stare.

"Only one? Im quite shocked really, usually he expels at least three or four students, he likes to weed out those he deems not worthy of being in the class." The (Hair coloured) man said in a bored tone, having been used to this year after year from the underground hero and given permission to handle such matters from his boss as to not waste his time on "trivial human matters" as the stout claimed it to be. "I apologize but Aizawa can expel whomever he desires as the Nedzu has given the teachers the right to do so, though most teachers just give detentions or at worst house arrest in the dorms, thank you for bringing this to my attention as I will make sure to remove you from the student registry" his words baring zero sympathy as he continued "please leave your student I.D at security and don't worry I will be sure to inform them of your departure, I wish you the best in your future endeavours" (name) didn't spare the boy a glance as he already began filing out the necessary things to remove him from the student registry, the young man whom he learned is named Mineta left the room crying harder than when he arrived.

He wasn't hired to dally after all.

(Name) was 21 when he somehow managed to get this job, now the spry age of 27 he was used to the workings of the school and slowly became Nedzu's confidant and most trusted employee. (Name) grew to look up the the stout as a mentor and friend and was incredibly honoured that the being trusted him greatly as the commission had tried on numerous occasions to recruit him to spy on the principle and every time (name) reported these attempts to his boss without hesitation, not caring for the bribes they attached as his loyalty never wavered.

It wasn't long till he received a reminder that lunch had rolled around, assuming his boss had other business to attend to (name) rose to his feet, groaning as his bones cracked from sitting for a few hours and began walking out of the room and towards the teachers lounge.

Students had already began to return home or to the dorms and older students greeted him respectfully and he returned the gesture, finally make it to his destination, stomach growling in protest. He was rather unsurprised that teachers sat at their cubicle like desks, some eating while chatting with coworkers and some working on last minute class plans for the upcoming week.

Cementoss saw him first and waved quietly as he waved back, gaining the attention of the others in the room, including a sentient yellow sleeping bag. "HEEEEEYYY (NAME)! How are you doing!" Present mic yelled out, wrapping his arm around the quiet assistant who sadly (not really) got payed enough to deal with the banana mans quirk constantly popping his ear drums. "I'm doing alright, had to deal with a crying student--well former student before coming here, Mr. Aizawas latest victim" he joked softly, paying no mind as midnight wrapped an arm around his other shoulder "poor (name) constantly having to deal with Aizawas aftermath! Have you no heart Shou!" She yelled out with mock sadness as the black haired man rolled his eyes at her words and returned back to sleep, knowing fully well that (Name) in fact did not mind.

You see, the two had secretly been dating for quits sometime, roughly since the beginning of Aizawas teaching career, amazingly enough keeping it a secret from everyone save for Nedzu who had to know for legal reasons and because he had caught them sneaking a kiss from the security feed.

"It's not a problem really, I cant explain it but the student gave off not right energy and I don't think it would have been best to keep him here--that's my personal opinion of course".

Quickly he grabbed his lunch before leaving the room, sparing a glance at the sleeping man before bolting out.

The staff at U.A had accepted that (name) was a quite man, paying zero mind to his antics, knowing he means no ill by it, having had the time to grow used to it.

One on one, he made excellent conversation but with all the teachers in a could be rather overwhelming.

But oh well, at least he had his food.


I return with just shy of 1k words.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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