Pique & Conduct

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Last night had been rugged, although I woke up this morning with a positive mindset it was a Saturday. We would go to the Saturday fruit market and pick up some fresh berries, then we would have a nice lunch or maybe a charcuterie picnic. 

I walked to the bathroom and picked up my 'pride sonic spotlight toothbrush' when I heard Aaron walk in, rubbing his eyes brutally. "Don't do that!" I said and he replied with a simple "morning- how did you sleep" while he stopped rubbing his eyes, "Yeah I slept well. Uh, are you still, angry with me?" I asked with the toothbrush still in my mouth, "I was never angry with you to start with." he replied as he left the room. I KNEW something was wrong I just didn't know what it was. 

As I stepped back inside my bedroom to grab my glasses, I saw about 14 text messages from Alexander:

10:52 am Alex: JOHN

10:52 am Alex: ANSWER ME 


- 11 more text messages from Alex-

- (2) missed call from Alex at 11:06 -

I panicked when I saw these. What had happened? Was it me? Had I done something wrong? 

Before doing anything, I ran outside to Aaron and said "AARON! SOMETHING'S HAPPENED TO ALEXANDER. HE'S AT THE HOSPITAL? HE LEFT 2 MISSED CALLS AND LOADS OF MESSAGES.", I cried, "Oh right their baby" Aaron spoke and turned to me as he widened his eyes in instant regret, "huh?" I asked in confusion, "oh nothing.", "what are you talking about Aaron?" I questioned seriously. 

"nothing John, leave me alone."

And so I did.

I felt miserable after this. What the heck had I done?

Aaron's POV:

I had been holding it in for a week but he just noticed now? Typical John

Truthfully I shouldn't even be feeling guilty, I didn't do anything wrong, it was him. It just slipped out of my mouth like drops of quicksilver. He was suspicious, what would my save be? - "I just thought about something else, I'm watching this show called the min-" I said as John interrupted "-Okay yeah yeah whatever, let's just go to the hospital now?"

"Do we really need to go though?"

"Yes we do! It's one of our best friends' life, what if it's something serious happened to Eliza or the children? Come on. Have empathy." he added

"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THEM WHEN YOU CANT EVEN THINK ABOUT MY SHIT" I blurted out without thinking about it first.

We both sat there looking into each other's eyes as John took one last exchange of eye contact and walked off.

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