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It's the morning after Gina signed the papers for Joe to be her other legal guardian. Last night Gina fell sleep in Joes office until he brought her home.

Gina walked down the stairs and heard Ginny and Austin talking about Georgia's old boyfriends until Georgia made them stop. Gina walked around the corner and into the Kitchen and was greeted by Paul.

"Hey Gina belated birthday." He said putting some French toast on her plate. "Thanks" she smiled pulling out the chair between her mother and Paul and sitting down.

"So I heard that Joe adopted you, how do you feel about that?" Paul asked sipping his coffee. Gina smiled brightly "to be honest...I feel more secure and more comfortable."

Paul nodded with a small smile setting down his coffee. Georgia smiled and wrapped her arm around her daughter "I'm glad you signed the papers." Georgia told her kissing the top of her head.

Ginny rolled her eyes "Are you serious? Your my bosses adopted daughter, isn't it enough I have to see you at home." She complained. Everyone besides Gina looked at her with disappointment. Gina was familiar to this kind of this though.

Gina let out a humourless chuckle "Ya know Ginny, he was my boss before you, you only got the job because mom pressured him into it and he wouldn't of been your boss it the first place if your dumbass didn't think shoplifting would be cool in front of your friends. Oh and I quite frankly don't care about how much you get to see me because honestly I don't give a shit about you or your bitchy attitude." Gina said in a strict tone biting into her French toast while the table filled with shocked silence.

She bummed in satisfaction while crossing her legs "This is some good French toast." She told Paul holding up a okay sign while biting into it again.

Everyone's attention was caught when the doorbell rang. Ginny went to get up and get it but Georgia cut her off and got up to get it instead. Ginny sent a look of worry to pall "What's happening?" She asked.

Gina looked to Paul who shrugged with a smirk on his face and Austin shrugged drinking his orange juice. Gina didn't acknowledge her though as she took her mother's mug of coffee and drank it.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled making Gina jump and spill Georgia's coffee on herself. Looking over into the doorway of the dinning room she saw Ginnys friends holding stuff and jumping up and down with excitement on their face. Ginny however wasn't pleased and the look on her face alone was enough to give Gina joy.

A little while after they had breakfast Mya and Iris came over while Daniel and Marcus were at the Bakers house. They three decided they would bake some food for the night. They let Gina decide what she wanted to do since yesterday was her birthday. Gina didn't really pick anything exciting though because she's not exciting so they're just going to hangout eat a bunch of junk food, talk about a bunch of shit and watch movies.

In the kitchen they were making a bunch of cookies such as chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies and shortbread cookies along with brownies. The boys went to the store and picked up chips and soda so it isn't all sweets.

Georgia walked in seeing Gina smile and laugh with her friends and she felt like she was succeeding at making at least one of her daughters happy.

"So are we making fully cooked brownies or do we want them a little gooey." Mya asked mixing the batter. Iris licked her lips "Ugh I love gooey brownies but Daniel hates them." She frowned at the end of her sentence.

Gina shrugged "Half and Half?" She asked. The two girls looked at each other and nodded their heads with excitement.


Once all the baked goods were finished Gina and the two girls brought it all over to the bakers where they brought it up to Marcuses room. They were planning on going to watch the movies in the living room but Marcus recently told them that his sister and her friends were coming over and partying.

They were all up in Marcuses room while they had music playing the girls were dancing while the boys were sat on the bed recording them.

"Damn girl you should join the dance team!" Iris cheered. "There's a dance team at school?" Gina stopped dancing to ask.

Everyone nodded "Yeah, there is only a few people who know how to dance so there isn't really a lot of people with skill on the team but you should definitely join." Mya said kissing her cheek.

Gina nodded her head "Okay, I have been looking for a extra curricular to do so I guess I'll try out."

"Wanna see what else I can do?" Gina asked clearing a space. The boys got up to see what she was talking about while the girls were already standing up watching.

Gina suddenly started to do the splits, spreading her legs out and going all the way down to the floor. They all cheered and laughed as she got up. Not soon after they heard loud cheering a music playing.

Marcus groaned and through himself back on the bed "At least I don't have a goldfish for Brodie to eat this time...." he muttered.

Everyone looked at him confusion and disbelief on their faces. "He ate what?!" Gina asked sitting crisscrossed on the bed. "My goldfish! That poor fish.."

Everyone looked at each other and grimaced before bursting out laughing. Gina snorted which made everyone laugh even more and Gina to cover her face in embarrassment while falling into Mya's lap.

Later on in the night Marcus went downstairs to get some alcohol for himself but came back with a sad expression. Gina didn't drink she wasn't in the mood but everyone else had a little bit they weren't drunk enough to be drunk.

Eventually they saw red and blue lights around the house and people yelling downstairs. Everyone in Marcuses room ran down to see what was going on but were met with two cops.

"Shit....." Gina muttered holding Mya's hand.


Gina was sitting in a jail cell by herself. She had no idea why, she wasn't drinking and wasn't taking any drugs. Gina wasn't surprised that Georgia hadn't come to get Ginny but she was confused as to why she didn't come and get her.

Gina called Joe earlier who was just chilling at the restaurant after cleaning up and was happy enough to come get her.

Gina was pulled out of the jail cell and met with Joe sitting on a bench. "I wasn't drinking or partying I promise." Gina told him sitting on the bench and leaning her head onto his shoulder.

Joe laughed "I know you wouldn't." Gina sighed "Im sorry you had to come and get me, I'm so so sorry." She said basically falling asleep.

Joe put his arm around her shoulder "You shouldn't be sorry, you didn't do anything. Im glad you called me instead of staying here all night."

"Dad..thanks for coming to get me but can we go home I'm so tired." Gina muttered not even recognizing that she called him dad.

Joes eyes widened in surprise at the word but it wasn't a angry surprise it was a happy surprise, Joe always wanted kids but when he opened his business he didn't have time to find someone and raise a baby, but now he makes time.

"Yeah..come on kiddo you can stay at my house tonight, just call your mom." He said pulling her sleepy body off the bench and leading her out the door only to pass a Paul who was here to get both Ginny and Gina but only got to leave with a Ginny.

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