Keeper of the soul

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I look deep into the mirrored reflection

Wondering about the woman inside

The darkness which echo's inside of me

Like a secret I can not hide

Had her world left her, like me?

Is she marred and cold?

Does she need.... want..... crave

A lover's embrace, to sooth her troubled soul?

Does she yearn to be drawn in passion

No longer drowning in fear

For all that she is or will be

For all which she holds so dear

Does she cry does she scream

Unanswered into the majik of the nyte

An awakeening by embrace

From one answering her lovers plight

Yes mere whispers across the cobbled stones

Darkness follows as the light departs

Do you hold the answers

The key to an immortal heart

A flame we long to embrace no longer to feel such cold

A keeper of the soul...... a keeper of the soul

RAMBLINGS FROM HER MINDWhere stories live. Discover now