Chapter 7

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Funny story. I sorta just abanndoned this for six months. Sorry for not updating in a long time. And, I hope some of you will continue reading. I will try and update as often as I can.


 We went out and bought a tv and dvd player today. He insisted we also buy several dozens of horror films. So, now we lounge together on the floor. We were watching The Woman In Black, my favorite film. However, Michael fell asleep. He'd been clinging to me the entire movie in fright. But, as soon as the scene where they had dug up the woman's child had passed, he was knocked out.

       I haven't been watching the movie since he fell asleep. Instead, I'd been watching him. Every so often he smiles as if he's the happiest man in the world. I've never seen someone smile so much in their sleep. I wonder what he's dreaming about. What makes him so happy? I can't help but wonder if I'm there, somewhere, in his dreamland. But, I think better of it. There's no way I'm the one making him that happy. I've never made anyone happy. All I ever do is disappoint others.

       I look at his hand, lying there open for someone to grasp. I turn his hand over and begin to trace the veins that map across his pale skin. It's sort of beautiful. I've never really thought of veins being of beauty. They're just there, keeping us alive. But, now I realize how beautiful they really are. I mean, no two human's veins are exactly the same. We all have different maps of blue and purple roads, making us our own little places.

       After a while, the credits role. I'm too lazy to turn the television off, so I curl up beside Michael and drift off to sleep.


      "Michael, stop making funny faces at me," she says, laughing.

       "Fine," I tell her. "I suppose I'll just have to... TICKLE YOU!" I grab Karena and start frantically tickling her. She squeals, laughing in hysteria.

       "Mikey! Stop, Mike. Michael, I've gotta pee," she shrieks as she begs me to stop. I kiss her on the forehead, and let her go. If a girl's gotta go, a girl's gotta go.

       She hops up and leaves me sitting alone in the grass. She runs hurriedly towards the house. I sit quietly, absorbing the nature around me. It's so quiet you could hear a footstep. I close my eyes, letting the sun soak me. When, out of nowhere, I hear a scream. "Karena?" I yell. There's no response. I rise to my feet and begin making my way towards the cottage. "Karena?" I holler again. There's still no response. When I near the cottage I hear a muffled, "Michael..." I started walking faster.

       As I get closer, I can see that the blinds are tore off the cottage window. That's strange, I think to myself. I stop for a moment, taking in the scene. When, all of a sudden I see a body thrown across the window. I start running again and reach the cottage. I check the door. It's locked. Which is extremely weird because I thought the locks were broken. I move over to the window and try to peer in. I can't see anything. I look around, trying to find something to break the window with. I find a huge rock on the side of the cottage. I come back over to the window and crank my arm back. As I'm preparing myself to throw the rock, something hits the other side of the window. I try to get a good look at what hit the window, but couldn't. The object that struck the window the first time, strikes it again. This time, the item lingers on the window for a moment. I get closer and notice that it's Karena's face. As I'm looking at Karena, she is pulled back again. Then, her face is repeatedly slammed against the window. I watch her nose break. Blood is oozing out of Karena's nose dripping onto the window.

       All of a sudden, the locked cottage door opens, I run inside. I see a dark figure. I can't decipher the sex of the figure. But, whoever it is, they're holding Karena on their lap. She is unconscious and blood is caked on her face. I try to run and save her, but I hit something. I step back and try running forward again. Once again, I hit something. But, there's nothing there. How am I running into something that isn't there? I'm trying to figure out a way to get to Karena. But, nothing seems possible. As I'm thinking of ideas, the figure stands up. He, she, it they... whoever it is, has Karena's unconscious body dangling by her hair. The figure then pin her to the wall. It kisses her before pinning her hands to the wall and her feet to the ground. I'm raging. Not only is this

hurting her, but it's

her, as well? I run at the invisible wall.

       But, this time, the wall is gone. I go crashing headfirst into the ground. The breath gets knocked out of me,  and I lie there, trying to breathe. Once I can breathe, I stand up. But, I am too late. The figure had already begun piercing Karen's body with blades. I scream out in horror and begin sobbing in sadness.

       I sob so hard that it jerks me awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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