Chapter 4

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I giggle as I see Michael strutting down the runway wearing a 5,000 dollar wedding gown. It is an ugly crimson color, and has yellow lace detailing covering the entire train of the dress. Who on earth would wear a yellow and red wedding dress? Not only that but who would pay five grand for one? It must be for Ronald McDonald's wife. I snicker at my own lame joke.

The sales-lady comes out shooting me and Michael looks that could kill. "Are you planning on buying that?" she asks with a rude tone clearly present. Michael sighs, "It's oh so gorgeous, Ma'am. But it's not quite my color." She rolls her eyes. "If you are not planning on making a purchase, I suggest you leave before I call security."

"As a matter of fact," Michael says. "We were just about to head out." He goes and changes. Why did that lady insist on ruining our fun?

We then leave, heading to Ikea. "What are we doing here?" I ask Mikey.

"Buying a desk," he responds quickly.

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"You'll see," she says. He then taps on an employee's shoulder. "Excuse me but do you have an already assembled desk for sale?"

"No," she says harshly.

"But, I can pay extra," Michael offers. She smiles before replying. "I think we can work something out."


We park in front of The Comfort Inn hotel, the desk squished in the backseat of the tiny bug-like car. At this point I was so confused. "Come on," he says as he exits the vehicle. He takes the desk out of the backseat, setting it on the pavement. "Here's what you're going to do... You're going to go in there and start setting up a reservation."

"But, Michael... I have no money," I say.

"I know. Here's what you do... act antsy while you're making the reservation. When she looks at her computer to put you in the system, give me a signal. I'll come in and go into the elevator. After I'm in the elevator, tell the person behind the counter that you have to use the restroom. Then head to the elevator and join me. Okay?"


When I enter the elevator he is standing behind the desk. "Excuse me, miss. But do you have an appointment?" I literally laughed out loud.

"So, you mean to tell me you just spent $175 on a desk to sit in an elevator and ask me if I have an appointment?" I ask, thinking how stupid he is to have spent that much money for this.

"Noooo," he tells me. "I spent a hundred and seventy-five dollars on a desk so that I can ask several people is they have an appointment."

So, we ended up spending the next half hour telling people they were not permitted into the elevator if they didn't have an appointment.

We snuck out of the side entrance so that we didn't risk getting caught. We ended up leaving the desk, considering we would never use it again.


Michael decided on taking me shopping next. I felt bad because I didn't have any money, but he insisted he buy me clothing. "I don't need you wearing all of my shirts out," he told me with a laugh. He bought me a lot more than I needed. I was grateful, but still skeptical as to how he collected all of his money.

We were on our way back to his house, and it was eerily quiet. I fiddled with the radio, not finding anything good on the stations. I remembered this was a previously owned car, and hit the CD button out of curiosity. Greenday's song 'Oh Love' stared playing. The previous owner had great music taste.

I went to turn the volume up, and coincidentally so did Michael. I jerked back out of instinct. He mumbles, "Oh, sorry."

I reached my hand over, taking his hand into mine. We interlaced fingers. My heart started to flutter, as if it were going to fly away. This means nothing, I try and convince myself. But, even I know that I'm lying.


We pull up outside of my place. Our hands were still intertwined, and neither of us moved away. I had a little voice in the back of my mind telling me to kiss her. She self-consciously bit her lip. I started moving towards her, about to kiss her. Just inches away, I decided against it. I didn't know what to do so I tried to play it off casually. I turned my head so that my mouth was closer to her ear, rather than her lips. "We're home," I whispered.

"Oh right," she said. She awkwardly took her hand back. I closed my hand. It felt weird being empty after her hand was there. I smiled. Her hand fit perfectly in mine, like a puzzle. But, it just can't work out. I'm not the type of guy to get into a real relationship. Not to mention, I'm not even sure if she likes me.

I climbed out of the car and headed towards the door. I heard her climb out and struggle trying to grab all of the bags. I forgot we went shopping.

Man, this girl is making me lose my mind. I just need to stop thinking about her this way. I mean, I hardly even know her. The most I've gotten out of her is her first name.

I head back to the car, grabbing all of the bags out of her hand and carrying them inside and up to my room.

"Is it umm... okay if I shower?" she asks.

"Sure thing," I tell her. "You know where it's at."

"Thank you, again. For all of this. I had an amazing day today," she told me. I grinned.

* * *

I'm sitting in the kitchen thinking about what to cook for us when Karena walks in. She is wearing my hoodie and my pajama pants, even though I has just bought her an all new wardrobe. I can't help but smirk. "Asking wouldn't hurt," I tease. Her cheeks ignite.

"I'm hungry," she states.

"Me too," I reply. "Does Chinese sound alright? I just can't think of anything to cook and it's late. Besides, I'm positive they deliver out here."

"Sounds good with me," she says. I head into the game-room, remembering I left my phone there to charge a few days ago. I dial Panda express's number and ordered chicken and rice and two egg rolls. I hope it's okay. I don't really know what she likes.


When the food got here I paid, and we shared the meal. "This is my favorite!" she squealed in excitement. It was my favorite too.

After we ate we went upstairs and sat on my bed facing each other. "So," I began, "We know absolutely nothing about each other. And, I'd really like to get to know you."

"What would you like to know?" She asks.

"Absolutely everything."

We lost track of time asking each other questions. I had figured out that her last name was Petty, her favorite color was white, she isn't athletic, and that she was great at school, but always got into trouble. There were so many other new things I discovered about her. But there was one question I was too afraid to ask her: why did she run away?


I would like to thank all of you for supporting this story. I appologize that this chapter is so short and isn't the best of quality. I have decided to stop putting up with the co-writer as she is threatening to delete the story. So it's a rough night. But, thanks for taking the time to read this far. I'll try and continue updating daily.

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