10: Sugar Slackers

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You woke up in a blanket of warmth, not wanting to open your eyes. Your surroundings were hazy as you were barely awake, but you definitely felt a hangover coming on.

As your senses slowly came back to you, you felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around your body.

'Right, I was with Rafe last night.'

Your face was perched in his chest and his body wrapped around yours tightly. It felt weirdly amazing to wake up this way.

Though you pushed the thought back.

You inched your head up to look at his soft sleeping face. His mouth gaped open as little snores escaped.

You can't help but smile in awe at him. He looks so peaceful and sweet in this state, and a part of you wished you could stay forever.

The sun was shining through the window, it was warm and cozy. Illuminating the room in various yellow hues, you're assuming it must be late afternoon.

Suddenly the familiar feeling of anxiety crept it's way into your body. You'd forgotten all about how you ran out on Midsummers last night, causing a scene and disobeying what your father clearly wanted.

You already know what you're going to have to face later, but right now you tried to stay as calm as possible, enjoying every last moment of bliss you're currently in.

Rafe sturs groggily suddenly pulling you in tighter like a child with it's teddy bear. Your face squished into his chest and you couldn't see anything or barely breathe.

"Rafe." You call his name softly.


"Rafe!" You call once again, smothering your words into his chest. His head snaps up in confusion.

"Huh what? Oh." He mumbles tiredly pulling away from you. The warmth you felt quickly leaving you cold.

"I'm sorry if I was suffocating you." He chuckles rubbing his eyes. He looks so adorable, your heart swells at the sight of his puppy like nature.

"It's okay. I gotta go to work soon though. Do you think you could take me?" You inquire innocently, darting puppy dog eyes at him. He shakes his head humorously and smirks.

You're lying on your back now and he's propped on his elbow, his presence towering over you.

"Yeah sure, I can do that."

You're about to get up when he unexpectedly flops back onto you, his head beside yours. Squished into the bed face down.

"What are you doing? I gotta go like now Rafe!" You whine, trying to remove his body by pushing him from underneath, he doesn't budge.

"Just lay here with me for a moment." His voice is muffled, but direct. Once you hear those words your heart swells. But why?

"O-ok." You mumble nervously.

He moves his arms underneath you enveloping you in a curious hug. You force your eyes closed and try to allow yourself to relax letting the sun shine gently on your skin.

It's silent, but had weirdly never felt so peaceful. All you could hear was his soft breathing, and feel his gentle heart beat against your chest.

You felt this weird feeling, like you almost wanted to cry? The feelings are unknown to you, curious.
You're beginning to grow frustrated with all of these intense emotions stirring inside you.

"Ok, lets go." He speaks abruptly. Pushing himself off of you he gets up, leaving the room.

You shake your head in confusion and follow close in pursuit.

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