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Hi everyone! To everyone who read the first two chapters of this story, I can't tell you how sorry I am that I never continued it. Good news, though - the third chapter is out, and I fully intend to continue with this story! This story will revolve primarily around Paula and Harvey's relationship if it had continued past 7x13, and will also create a Katrina x Mike romantic ship which wasn't explored in the series. Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Harvey's office, 5:08 PM

"Mike." Harvey sighed. "I have something to tell you."

That you fired Donna? Well, yeah, I worked that out on my own, Harvey. What were you thinking?  Mike thought heatedly. Mike was on the cusp of telling Harvey this, but knew that he wouldn't take it well.  

Instead, Mike swallowed his anger, and sat down on a chair in Harvey's office, appearing nonchalant.

"What is it?" Mike said calmly. He was, however interested in what Harvey had to say for himself.

Harvey's brown eyes met Mike's gaze. "Donna left her letter of resignation on my desk last night."

He paused for a second. "And I made her do it. Look, I know what you're thinking.."

"Harvey, what the hell?" Mike interrupted angrily, eyes blazing. "Why would you do that?"

"It was for Paula." Harvey sighed. "Look, I know you may not agree, but I know I made the right decision."

Suddenly, it dawned on Mike. He remembered the kiss. Knowing fully that he was in a relationship with Paula, Donna had kissed Harvey. Now, she was paying the price.

"The kiss... this is about when Donna kissed you, isn't it." Mike answered thoughtfully, his eyes unfocused.

"And now, Paula doesn't feel comfortable with you and Donna working together. So she made you choose." Mike finished.

"Yeah, Mike. That's what happened." Harvey said with exhaustion.

"I'm glad that you told me." Mike said calmly.

"Also, remember how you asked me to find something for the Kensington case? Well, I did." Mike added, as he strutted over to Harvey's desk.

 He proudly held up a crisp, white document in front of him.

"There's a deficit of 90 million dollars- the same amount of money Kensington lost."

"Good job finding this." Harvey said, intrigued.

"It wasn't just me. Katrina helped me search." Mike replied, humbly.

"We also worked out the money wouldn't just be in one account, but various offshore accounts. That's why we are going to get Louis to help us."

Harvey winced. "Louis? Really?"

"Harvey. That man is a financial wizard. We could really use his help." Mike said seriously.

"Alright, fine. Do what you have to do." Harvey replied in defeat.

Conference Room A, 8:00 PM

"Katrina, Mike - this is an amazing find." Louis said approvingly.

"Thank you, Louis." Katrina nodded.

"And now, we need your help." Mike responded. "Katrina and I worked out that the money probably isn't just in one account but in many."

"Of course it is." Louis replied with a grin. "None of these embezzlers put all their money in the same account. It's a basic rule of money laundering." he added.

"We need you to work out where these accounts are, and who they link back to." Mike said firmly.

"That's easy. The Cayman Islands." Louis responded.

"Why do you say that?" Katrina asked in confusion.

"Katrina, the Cayman Islands are the first port of call for anyone wanting to make an offshore account. While money launderers may not put all their eggs in one basket, they put all their baskets in similar locations." Louis laughed.

"Quite cliché, really." He added. "Which is also why we'll check the Bahamas and Aruba to cover our bases." 

"We'll still need to be able to get into the IT systems in order to see the account balances though." Katrina said cautiously.

"No problem. I'll get Benjamin." Mike said with a grin, holding up a bag of bacon that he had snuck into the conference room unnoticed.

The Office, 11:00PM

"Nice work today, Mike" said Katrina, picking up her handbag from the conference room table.  

"Thanks, but it was a team effort, Katrina" Mike responded tiredly, checking his watch with a yawn. "Leaving the office at 11:00PM... if I'd known, I never would have wanted this job in the first place!" He said with a weak laugh. 

"Sarcasm, right?" said Katrina with a slightly confused grin. 

"Yeah" laughed Mike in return. He paused momentarily. "Hey... if you ever want to meet for a drink some time, as friends, of course, then that would be great..." he said, trailing off.

"I... would like that" said Katrina, a heated blush coming over her face. Opening the glass door of the conference room with a squeak, she made her way towards the elevator. "See you tomorrow, Mike" she said with a shy smile.

As Katrina got into the elevator, Mike couldn't help but notice her beauty. The way her long, blonde hair fell down her shoulders. Her beautiful, full, lips parted ever-so-slightly. The curve of her waist, and the maroon dress which drew attention to her womanly silhouette.  

As the elevator doors slowly closed, Mike gave Katrina a half-dazed wave. That was the first time he had  really noticed  her. Mike knew how to spot an attractive woman from a while away, but to him, she was just Katrina. 

"Focus, Mike" he said to himself, snapping out of his trance. Besides, he shouldn't be thinking like that. He had Rachel, his loving fiancée to come home to.

Pushing thoughts of Katrina out of his mind, Mike took the next elevator, and walked out of the firm's building into the cool night air of the Manhattan streets. Getting in a taxi, Mike knew that he must get home. Rachel would be waiting.

Mike's Apartment, 11:27PM

As Mike opened the apartment door, he saw that Rachel was still awake. 

"Hey Rach," said Mike, giving Rachel a quick kiss on her cold cheek.

No response.

"Anyway," he said, putting his briefcase on the kitchen table with a thud, "Sorry I'm home late, I got caught up at work with the Kensington case..."

"Save it, Mike." Rachel said coldly.

Mike's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Rachel? What the..." He said, trailing off. Mike had no idea what he had done this time.

"It's always something, Mike. You're always doing something - always putting work above our relationship." she exclaimed, gazing at him with contempt.

Mike felt a pang of hurt in his chest. "Rachel, it's not like I'm doing this on purpose - you know how busy the life of a lawyer is. " he said firmly, trying to meet her shifting eyes. He paused momentarily. "This is what it was like when we were both at the firm, only you didn't seem to mind it back then!"

Rachel crossed her arms defensively. With her voice edged with snark, she began "Don't you think I should have my needs met, Mike? We're supposed to be getting married, but by the looks of it, you're married to the firm..."

"Rachel!" said Mike, exasperatedly. He'd had a long day, and the last thing he wanted was to end on a fight. He sighed in defeat.

"Let's just - go to bed." Mike said with a groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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