Chapter 4

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The phone rang 3 times before Alya picked up. That's because Alya had been arguing with Marinette about calling Adrien.

"No Alya! I don't want to talk to him!"

"Come ON Marinetteee. It'll only be for a couple of minuteeeesss."




"I'm answering him."

"No, you're NOT!"

This continued on for about 3 minutes, and Marinette even stole Alya's phone, even though she had to quickly sit down on her lounge chair.

"Marinette, you don't have the energy to fight me, and I don't want to fight you. So I'm going to answer him, whether you want me to or not."

Marinette groaned and closed her eyes. She felt Alya slowly take the phone out of her hand and answered Adrien's call.

"Hey Adrien!"

"Hi, Alya. Nino told me you had an update on Marinette?"

"Yup." Marinette growled. Why did he want to know what happened to her?

Alya glared at her. "Here, I can show you to her, if you want. I mean, we are on FaceTime, so why not?" Alya said with a sly tone. Marinette's eyes widened and she made a cutting motion at her throat, telling Alya to stop.

"If she's okay with it."

"Oh, of course she is." Marinette slapped her face.

"Here you go." Alya handed the phone to Marinette, and she reluctantly took it.

"Um, hi Marinette."


Alya left the room because she needed 'a drink of water'. Marinette rolled her eyes. "Why do you care? I bet you don't even care about anything else now that your mom is back."

"Hey, what I did to bring her back was worth it!"

"Oh really?! Well then was it worth it to put me in danger?!?! EVERYONE knows that Cat Noir was in love with Ladybug, then POOF! I'm Ladybug! And guess what?! The day you brought your mom back, I'm suddenly ill! I WONDER how I'm doing."

"Wait a minute, I didn't know it would affect YOU."

"I BET DEEP DOWN YOU DID! I warned you. I warned you so many times! And what's happened..." Marinette was crying now. Adrien's expression softened.


Marinette coughed and Adrien's eyes widened. "Marinette."

"No, I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to anyone right now." Alya had come up the stairs, completely pale in the face and on the verge of tears, and took the phone, seeing the state that Marinette was in.

Alya went down the stairs. Marinette had passed out on her lounge chair.

"Adrien...I'm so sorry. She's been on angry mode for a while now. Almost all day actually."

"Alya, don't apologize."


"No, I'm serious. It was my-"


Adrien stopped talking. Alya was crying now.


"Adrien...Marinette...she isn't fact she's doing terribly. I just talked with her parents and...we could lose her any moment."


A/N: GUYS IM A HORRIBLE PERSON. PUBLISHED THE WRONG CHAPTER *goes and cries in a corner* OMG THOSE CHAPTERS PROBABLY DIDN'T MAKE SENSE WITH THE TRANSITION ARGH. ig it's a good thing i reread it XD. kisses as u enjoy this new chapter!! ToT

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