Tobias Domzalski

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Jim then woke up, surprised, that he was well rested. He thought to himself I did cry myself to sleep after all. He then went downstairs to get ready for school. 

When he got to school, he was greeted by Toby who then said "Jimbo! You'll never guess what I found in my basement" "What did you find?" asking in believable enthusiasm as he already knew what he found. "I'll tell you after school."


"And then I just fainted" said Toby to Jim as they were walking as the latter replied "Will you see them again?". "I don't know" shrugged Toby as a familiar female voice then said while running "Jim! Rehearsals are in an hour". That female voice turned out to be Jim's soon-to-be girlfriend; Claire Nuñez. "Okay, I'll be there in 5" said Jim while Claire replied "Bye". Claire then ran to the Gym while leaving Jim and Toby there. 

Toby then playfully nudged Jim and said "So, when you asking the Chiquita out?". Jim then elbowed his best friend and said "Tobes!" "Come on, you're perfect for each other" replied Toby as Jim retorted "Maybe, but we don't know each other yet. When we get to know each other, then I'll ask her out. Deal?" "Deal" replied Toby as Jim then ran off to get to rehearsal. 


When rehearsal ended, Jim was walking out of the school but was then stopped by someone. "Jim, wait!". He then turned to the source of the voice who turned out to be Claire. "Claire. Hi, what is it?" asked Jim as Claire then got to him and said "I just wanted to tell you that you were pretty great". Jim observed her features, this was not the Claire Nuñez he knew. She still had her colorful barrettes in her hair, she still had her blue streak. 

The only thing that hasn't changed were her smile and her chocolate brown eyes which had visible naivety behind them when she met his sapphire blues which unbeknownst to her, carried pain that would make a normal teen break down. Jim then put on a believable fake smile when he said "Thanks, you were too." 

Claire then asked "I got to ask, is this your first play?". Jim then replied "Yeah, guilty as charged" Claire was shocked and said "Really? You didn't even need the script earlier, and you were reciting the words as if you knew them by heart" Jim then thought to himself She's always been smart. Jim then said "Let's just say I've been reading up on the play"

Claire then got closer to him and put her hand on her chest, looked into his sapphire blues and said "I don't know why, but I thought you'd be a total flake". Jim was shocked inside and thought to himself She can't know about the other timeline, can she? 

"Guess I was wrong" said Claire as Jim replied "Yeah, trust me. I'm not flaking out of this". Claire just smiled at him and said "Thanks, my parents are here!". Jim then looked back to see a car with Javier, Ophelia and Enrique Nuñez stop at the front of the school and honk its horn to notify their to Claire. 

"I got to go, I take it I'll see you tomorrow?" asked Claire cheekily as Jim answered in equal cheekiness "You will, Juliet". Claire just smiled at him and went to her parents who were waiting in the backseat. Jim then watched as the car sped away with him thinking Don't worry Claire, I'll never give up on you.  Jim just smiled and went to get his bike so he could go home. 

Toby was watching TV when he noticed the amulet glow and took it outside, he then looked at the runes of the amulet which changed from Trollish, Latin, Spanish, and finally to English. Toby then looked carefully and read the runes. "For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command".

As he said the incantation, the wind started to pick up which worried him but was quickly replaced by elation as he then lifted into the air causing blue smoke to encompass him and surround the new Trollhunter in armor, which unlike when Jim summoned it for the first time, fit him perfectly. 

"AWESOME SAUCE!!" yelled Toby as 3 sparks then came out of the amulet and went to his hand causing a light to erupt from it and materialize a sword that was too large to lift. He then dropped the sword onto the ground and held it up the best he could. Luckily, the sword shrunk to its new wielder's size as Toby then began swinging it around like someone testing out a toy lightsaber they got for Christmas. 

When Jim parked his bike inside his garage, he then heard Toby yell "THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL!!". Jim just smiled and thought to himself Don't worry Tobes, I'll be there with you every step of the way just like you were for me. Jim then went inside to prepare some lunches for tomorrow. 

Author's note: 

I am taking notes from multiple authors for my story: 

Thanks to: 

Sakon76: Your future hasn't been written yet. You can check them out on and Archive of our own

Yeeter_Parker: Trollhunters: Becoming. You can check them out on Archive of our own. 

Note: I don't own their stories, I am merely taking elements from their stories. I actually read these two stories and they are amazing. 

I also don't own Tales of Arcadia. HAPPY READING!!

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