Chapter One

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Hello guys, im Jasmin. this is my first time writing here, so i hope you will read this and enjoy. please, please, please comment and vote if you like this. ill be so thankful if you do. i own all copyrights to this, but feel free to be inspired :). also, ill try to update when i can. im on break right now, so it should be constant but no promises. ill try my best to put a character list on the side or the end or somewhere, but im technologically challenged. oh, and sorry for spelling skills suck. thanks a mil!

Chapter 1

Describe yourself in a few sentences. Seems easy enough, right? Well not for indecisionand outspoken manor surely have something to do with that. I'd rather keep to myself due to my trust issues, but if i convince myself enough to let someone in, they're as "in" as it gets.

I live on the edge of Collierville, Tennessee. On a very detailed map, it's in the bottom left corner. The population is a bit less than 40,000 but I live on the edge where my dad, brother, and I own a small ranch. Our living is made by breeding and selling horses to anyone who has the money to make it out here and buy them. We've lived here since i was born, so our mortgage is long paid off. We are pretty well off, not struggling, but doing fine.

My mom isn't around anymore; she passed when i was 9. Even though that was years ago, it feels like yesterday. My mom and I were really close, and when she passed, I shut myself off from everyone else. Everyone except my dad and my brother, Caiden.

Caiden and I are 2 years apart, him being older. He has dirty blond hair and pale blue eyes that darken when he gets mad. He honestly is very good looking, and he's got a killer awesome personality. The girl that marries him wont regret it at all.

Caiden gets his looks from our mom, while mine mostly come from our dad. People usually have a hard time believing we're related. I took our mom's death the hardest because I was closest to her. When i was little, she used to put  her makeup on me and tell me how happy I would make some guy later. Boy, if only she was still here.

My parents loved each other so much and they had since their teen years. My mom was absolutely beautiful and my dad was nuts about her. They did their job as parents real well. They never fought, even behind closed doors, and they helped each other and Caiden and I all the time.

I loved my mom more than anything in the world and she knew it. Early in my life, it occurred to her that I was different. I started talking when I was thirteen months and reading by eighteen months. I loved books, especially the ones where the prince came to save the princess.

I never grew up very girlie, but i liked to do girlie things sometimes. Well, I didn't do very girlie things, my mom did them for me. She painted my nails, straitened my hair, and put a little blush on me sometimes. As a nine year old, i was capable of handling all those things. I was smarter, more understanding, and more observant than most other kids my age.


"Daddy, where's mommy?" I asked quietly.

"I don't quite know honey, she was supposed to be back from her sister's a couple hours ago-maybe she just got held up," he answered in a tone that showed me he was trying really hard to hide his fear.

I knew he was scared, but our dad was not the type to commonly have his own problems-he was always fixing ours. If he was feeling something, it was genuine, so I knew the fear he had was hard for him to withhold. I put all my feelings aside and rushed over to hold him.

The next morning i woke up around six, and crept over to my parent's bedroom. It was fairly dark, making the beige walls look tan. The bed was empty and it didn't look like anyone was in there, so I walked inside.

As I made my way through the door and past the w.c and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard muffled sobs. I pushed thedoor open just a crack and cursed under my breath at the creaking the hinges made. My curiosity overcame me and i shoved my head in quickly. My dad was sitting on the sink counter with his face in his hand.

His eyes met mine when he pulled his face up to see what had disturbed him. I could see immediately that something was bothering him. As silly as it sounds, what gave him away wasn't his tear-streaked face or his red, swollen eyes. Deep in his eyes, something painful was there, and it's presence was so obvious that for a split second, my breath was gone.

Everything moved very slowly, and my back was soon acquainted with the floor. I pushed myself up and slumped against the door. Without warning, the only thing on my mind slipped itself from my lips.


All he did was shake his head and let more tears fall down his face. He looked drowned. Under his eyes, shadows were forming, and his cheeks were sagging. The shock hadn't set into me yet, and I only knew that something was wrong with him and I wanted it to go away.

I composed myself quickly. I knew I had to be strong for my dad. I pushed off the floor and was on my feet and headed toward my dad in just seconds.

I had him in my arms and he let me hold him for a few minutes. After what seemed like hours, he pushed me off gently and held my shoulders in his hands, all while he dropped to the floor on his knees to reach my height.

"Sweetie, you remember how mommy didn't come home last night?" he asked me, obviously in pain.

I didn't say anything, just forced my head up and down a couple times.

"I watched the news this morning and mommy was...well...there was an accident," he explained slowly and hesitantly.

I gave him my best questioning face which he responded to immediately.

"Mommy was on her way home...she pulled off the freeway to get gas when...she was hit by...a drunk driver..." he said all this quietly, as I could see every word broke his heart more and more. "According to the pathologists...she was killed instantly, so she didn't suffer anything, but...mommy isn't ever coming home"

Like I needed him to say that, I already knew and the whole thing was already setting in. My throat went dry and my dad pulled me in for a hug just as the first tear fell. I sobbed loudly into his shirt for about a minute before the door opened to reveal Caiden.

He was crying too, so my we knew he'd been listening outside the door. My heart fell just watching him. My dad released me, and I trudged slowly to Caiden, each step quickening. I reached him after a few seconds and embraced him with more force than I intended.

Caiden laid his cheek on my head which was quickly soaked, as was his shirt. We just stayed that way for about ten minutes. When he finally let me go, I fell on my knees and cried some more.

The next couple days were hard. Anytime there was a silence, or even anything close to one, loud sobs consumed it. Even neighbors came to give their condolences to us.

Everything died down after about five months. My birthday passed, but no one celebrated, only mourned. Every year for my birthday, my mom did something for me that was the most special thing ever. When i turned six, she got me my first horse and taught me to ride the beautiful stallion i called Moe.

Every year after was more special than the last with surprises that left me smiling for months. That year, we did nothing. A few "happy birthday"s were passed, but other than that, we grieved.

Eventually neighbors and friends moved away, but what was left of my family and I learned to cope. Old traditions faded, pictures were suddenly more sentimental, and I started cutting myself.

I still rode my horse everyday and visited my mom's grave, but only when it rained. Rain was her favourite weather, other than thunderstorms. I shut everyone else off, and that was completely okay. To me, the rest of the world was dead.

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