Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long but im not feeling well and school just got back in so i never have time for anything. Please just understand. SCHOOL INFURIERATES ME SOOOO MUCH!! Im going to try to do some filler to keep you all entertained and to keep the updates coming. Please vote, comment and fan. I'd love feedback <3

Chapter eight

"...Nancy Berin, Andrew Bismith, Harley Black, Ashlie Jo Bristol..." Okay, this is it. Graduation. Just go up there and take the diploma and give a cute little wave. I lifted the end of my graduation gown and took the diploma, shaking  hands with our counselor. She had a smile pasted on her face and her hand was really sweaty. Her grip was tight and I was starting to get really nervous with everyone staring at me. I tilted my cap over my face and strode off the stage, near tears.

"Jake Mathews..." the voice continued I grimanced slightly as all the girls started to whistle and holler. It made me blush when I saw that he kept his eyes on me the whole time. He smiled and I smiled and everything was perfect.


 "Hey Jake, are you hungry?" I asked.

"You know me, I'm always up for food," he responded. I grimanced at the knowledge of his bottomless stomach and grabbed his hand pulling him up with me. He followed me to my car and I got in the driver's side, him in the passenger's side without any arguments for once.

We went to McDonalds and I had chicken nuggets like the little kid I am and Jake ate some weird burger thing. I mean, aren't they all the same?

"So Ash, what is your ultimate graduation presant?" Jake asked, suddenly.

"Defiantly a puppy," I responded.

"Okay then," he replied.

"Okay then what?" I asked, puzzled.

"Let's go get you a puppy," he said, pulling me out of my seat.


Oh! That one, that one!" I exclaimed excitedly pointing to the cute baby papillion in his cage wagging his tail and licking the bars on his cage. Jake told me I could pick any puppy I wanted and I knew that the papillion was the one from the second we walked into the store.

We signed some stuff and Jake was grinning like a mad man. I giggled at him and pulled my new puppy into my chest and laughed harder when the pup licked my face.

"Do you know what you're gonna call him yet?" Jake asked.

"I sure do," I told him. There was a long pause and soon the pup filled it with a loud yap.

"Well?" Jake asked, clearly trying to fake his annoyance and impatience

"Pardon me? Mr. Mathews?" The young girl at the front desk said. She looked to be around 16 or 17 and she had long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and green eyes. She was really pretty.

"Yes, ma'am?" Jake replied, politely.

"Could you please sign, date, and put your phone number on this?" she asked flirtily.

"Yeah, sure," Jake said, clearly not fazed. I smiled as he kept his eyes only on me while he signed and filled out the rest of the papers.


Jake's POV

"Dad, we're home!" Ashlie yelled into the quiet house, gripping the sleepy-looking puppy. What is the thing's name? There came no reply o we walked into the kitchen to find her dad sitting on the table reading the newspaper and on the phone it seemed.

"Yes, yes I understand, thank you sir. Yes, thank you so much. Alright, thank you. Bye." he said into the phone happily. He finally hung it up and looked at us.

"Hey daddy," Ash said, trying to sound excited for her dad, even though she probably didn't know what was going on.

"Hey hunney, how are you? Good? Guess what? I said guess! Anyway, my boss's boss's boss's boss just personally called me and offered me a position in England! It would be great for us!" he said. Wow, England. Wait...his boss's boss's boss's boss...that's-

"But-" she interrupted.

"And they offered me a spot for us on a farm so we could go and take Moe and all our other animals and our trucks and stables and everything!" he continued.

"But dad," Ashlie tried again. Then, my phone rang.

"Hey dad, what's up?" I started.


Ashlie Jo's POV

"But dad, I don't want to leave Jake!" I finally managed. He looked at me simpithetically and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when Jake interjected.

"You don't have to leave me baby girl. I'm going to England too." he began.

"What? How come?" I asked trying not to sound rude because I really was excited. I was slightly caught off guard when my new puppy let out a little bark from inside my overly-sized jacket.

"My dad just called. My mom passed away last night. The cancer was too strong and she and my dad both knew it was coming and it finally did. I'm just glad she doesn't have to suffer anymore. She's in a better place. My dad wants me to fly out for her funeral." he announced. I ran p to him as fast as I could without scaring the puppy and grabbed him in a hug. I laid my head on his shouldera nd he lay his on mine. My shirt dampened with his silent tears. I'm sure my tears penetrated his shirt too but I tried to hold back because I didn't want to put him in more distress. I didn't really know his mom, but I still felt bad for everything he was going through all at once.

"Jake, I'm so sorry." I told him.

"Why? You didn't do anything. It's alright. She was in a lot of pain and now she isn't," he told me. I  could tell he was hurthing but he was trying to hide it. Poor boy.

"So...I guess we're all going to England?" was all I could manage. My puppy yapped happily in my jacket as if in response. Well duh, Ashlie.

Hey guys I'm sooo sorry that took so long. I'm back in school and I've been working on this one for a while. I'll try to do more, faster, but please vote, comment and fan! I LOVE YOU ALL!! also, check out my other book if you like poems and short stories :)

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