Chapter Nine

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Hey you peoples!! sorry its been forever, i was testing all week :( its frikin hard to get into high school lol but anyway please enjoy, and I'm gonna try it from Olivia and Trevor's pov's a little bit. (for you, olivia: i love you bestfriend:)

Chapter nine

Olivia's POV

"No way! England?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, Olly, the land of the Englanders. Jake said he could get you and Trevor out there too if you want." she explained. Holy crap, this girl is crazy. She tells me she's moving, then offers to take me with her halfway across the world. Gotta love her.

"Oh, wow," and that was really all I could say. I pulled out my cell and hit Trevor's speed dial. He was never going to believe this.


Ashlie's POV

"Uh huh, okay, love you too, bye." Olivia said before ending her call. "So uh...when do we leave?" she asked, a smile creasing her face. I squealed with excitement and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You and Trev can go?!" I half-asked, half-yelled. She nodded vigorously, expanding her smile. I hugged her for what seemed like five years before my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jake.

Hey, I just wanted to tell you I love you and I can't wait for you to meet the rest of my family. I know they will love you almost as much as I do.



Oh him, he was so sweet and always thinking of me. Sometimes I felt selfish because I took all of his attention, but he didn't seem to mind. It was like for him, making me feel special was all he needed to be happy, and what kind of girlfriend would I be to argue with that?


 Trevor's POV

Olivia, England, plane, Jake, Ash, this is totally nuts! I can't believe we're going halfway across the world!! Oh well, anything to get out of this place.

 "Trevor! Get down here and clean this kitchen!" my mom yelled. Did I eat in the kitchen? No. Did I have to clean it? Yes. Why? 'Because I said so' That was just about all I ever heard from my mom, and I would be happy when I didn't have to hear that anymore once we were all in England.

I trudged down the stairs to reach the kitchen to find my mom with her hands placed firmly on her hips. Her thin lips were pulled into a tight frown and her abnormally thin body was shaking.

"Mom, have you been drinking again?" I asked her.

"First off," she stumbled on her words, "I've told you to call me Janice. Secondly, it is n-none of your business what kinds of things I put in my mouth," she retorted.

"No kidding," I muttered under my breath. Janice obviously didn't hear because she just sauntered to the side leaving me with the mountain of dirty dishes, counters, and appliances. I'd be so happy when I got out of there and could be with Olivia forever. Janice didn't approve of Olivia fully because she thought Olivia was too good for me and was only dating me because she had no morals. As caring as that sounds, it wasn't if you knew EXACTLY what she said when we were having that conversation. There were a ton of words bunched into sentences that a good parent would have taught me not to say. Then again, I didn't have any good parents. Just as I was wondering where my male creator was, he stumbled in the door pushing his was through the kitchen, obviously drunk to an exaggerated extent.

"Janice!" Dan yelled down the first hall. Janice yelled something back that wasn't legible to me. Dan heard it though because he stumbled down the hall and the screaming became apparent. All the while, I pretended not to notice the fighting that occured regularly in my house. All the sudden, I heard screaming and what sounded to be cries of pain.

Running down the hall, I got to Dan and Janice's bedroom to find him holding her by her hair. Now, just because my mom didn't treat me right doesn't mean I didn't have enough respect to defend her. I ran into the room ready to take whatever would come to me.


Olivia's POV

My mom was totally cool with the whole idea of us going to England. Back in her teen years, she was considered a hippie, so she was all for "following the oil stained plantains" or whatever the saying was.

I threw the last of my clothes into a large duffel bag and glanced over at my multiple other suitcases full of belongings. I was getting ready to hop on the bed and observe my empty room when my cat, Rainbow-sprinkles, jumped on the bed. Yes, I named my cat Rainbow-sprinkles.

"I know, I'm going to miss you Rainbow-sprinkles," I cooed softly to the cat. I stroked his head lightly and felt him purr when my fingers reached his favourite spot behind his right ear. I was going to miss him horribly, and I knew that so it didn't bother me to let a small tear slip of my face. Immediatly, the stray tear submurged Rainbow-sprinkles and he flinched slighly. Lifting him to my face gently, I kissed his nose to have him return the favor. After we said our goodbyes, it was time to pick up Trevor.

You see, his parents didn't know he was going anywhere, and that is why we had schedualed our flight to 11:00 pm. Ashlie stayed at Jake's house while her dad flew out to England to start unpacking there moving boxes. I had no idea how long we'd be there, but the house was big enough for Trevor, me, Caiden, Ashlie, and Larry Joe, so I had no skepticisms. 


Jake's dad booked us first class tickets and we rode on the plane sleeping off and on considering it was a twelve hour flight. We had to fly to New York first and swich planes there. From that point it was a strait shot to England. By the last few hours of our journey, I was asleep in the arms of the boy I could finally be together with, and nothing could ruin that.


Trevor's POV

It was a little rough getting out of the house after my beating, but Dan was too drunk and Janice was crying in the bathroom. I can't say I would miss that old, dirty house (which you could barley call a house anyway) but there were good things ahead for me.

Olivia picked me up and we met Jake and Ashlie Jo at the airport. Jake's dad was already out in England along with Ashlie's dad, and Ashlie and Jake were staying at Jake's large, empty house. Olivia and I had teased them about that a lot, but they didn't seem to mind.

When we landed in London, we took a couple cabs about 26 miles west and found our ranch. Olivia and I were to be living with Ashlie and her dad, seeing as Jake's dad had made all the arrangements. He was willing to do just about anything for "friend's of Jake's". Apparently, in England, Jake was sort of a loner, so his dad was glad Jake had finally broken out of his shell and made real friends.

Olivia was still asleep on my shoulder when we reached the ranch, so I gently lifted her out of the cab and set her on her feet on the fresh gravel. The air smelled fresh and it was nighttime there, seeing as how we had left at night and gotten there twelve hours later. Because of all the time changing stuff, it would've been daytime back home, but it was nighttime in England.

"Olivia, wake up," I said shaking her slightly and doing my best to keep her from falling. Her eyes began to open and she eventually made them.

"What is it Trev?" Olivia asked.

"We're home."


Hey guys. Sorry that took so long, but I thought that would be a good place to end it now that everyone is happy. Thanks for sticking with me and please VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN!! <3

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