Chapter 16. <3

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"Ni can you please tell me where we're going?" I asked behind a blindfold.

"Nope!" He laughed.

"Ughh! Do you know where the rest of the boys went?" I asked.

"Well Zayn and Rea had a date, Haz took Sophie somewhere and Liam and Lou are probably ou being idiots or destroying your house since your family isn't there." He said.

"Niall!" I yelled.

"Kidding, kidding! They went to the movies" he laughed, patting my knee as we drove.

We sang along with the music for the rest of the way. My voice was horrific compared to his perfectness though. We laughed at ourselves. When I felt the car stop I instantly reached for my blindfold but Niall's hands caught mine.

"Ah ah. Not yet princess. Just wait." He laughed. I heard him get out and walk to my side and I was painfully reminded of the kidnapping that happened a few moths ago. Niall still didn't know about it. He hadn't needed to, and I didn't want him to. I pushed the thought out of my mind and let Niall help me out. I felt safe in his arms, unlike the kidnapper. Niall stopped me.

"One sec babe. Don't move." He said. I heard him dig around for something.

"Okay take your blindfold off." He said.

I ripped the blindfold from my face, slightly getting blinded from the sudden light. As my eyes adjusted I noticed Niall with a video camera. He wore an adorable smile on his face and he peered behind me. I turned to see where he was looking. I turned and noticed where we were.

"Nialler! Your taking me to DisneyLand?!" I screamed. The sign in front of me read "DisneyLand!" In the famous Disney format. Below it had a smaller sign and it said "closed on May, 19th!" My face fell and I turned to face Niall.

"Baby it's closed." I said.

"Not for us." He smiled. He showed his badge to a man behind a stand.

"Come right in Mr. Horan." He smiled.

"Niall you rented out DisneyLand?!" I yelled.

"All for you babe." He smiled. He was still recording. I ran and jumped in his arms, kissing him.

"I love you so much Nialler but you know how mad Li is gonna be?!" I laughed.

"If you want we can call him in later. And Lou too. They have nothing better to do." He laughed, taking my hand and leading me in.

I giggled a little as he reached for a map.

"Ni, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Umm getting a map?" He answered like I was stupid. I rolled my eyes

"Just follow me. I don't need that." I laughed. We walked into many stores and watched the Aladdin play.

"Wait! If your names sultan, that means if you changed your last name to pepper shaker..... YOU'D BE SULTAN PEPPER SHAKER!" The Genii laughed. Niall and I busted up. After the show we rode on some more rides. In the haunted house Niall held my hand as we were in the elevator. I noticed a slight difference in the ride. Like the pictures in the beginning were not of the old people they usually are, they were pictures of Niall and the boys. And when we were on the actual ride part of it, the ghosts were saying "lookie here! It's Niall from One Direction!" I laughed.

"Did you do that? Change the scenes?" I asked.

"No! I hate scary stuff! They must've done it." He said. We rode Pirates of the Caribbean and rode all the other rides. We rode the kiddy rides too!

"Niall this is the best day ever." I said as we sat on the boat ride.

"I know." He said, his arm around my shoulders. "And it's all cuz your here. That's why it's the best." He said, leaning down and kissing me. Our kiss turned more passionate and he kissed me sweetly. I giggled as he picked me up and started dancing with me, going along with the slow song playing.

"Thank you Ni." I smiled.

"Love you Bray." He said as we danced. After getting completely soaked by the water rides Niall led me out.

"Sorry we didn't call Lou and Liam." Niall apologized.

I stopped walking.

"Babe." I said looking up at him. "This was absolutely 199% the best day ever. I could ask for nothing more. Ever!" I said. I leaned up and kissed him. He smiled.

"Fine. Let's get home. It's freezing." He said. We got in the limo that waited outside for us. In the car Niall sang little things to me as I cuddled into him.

"Love you princes." He said.

"Love you too babe." I replied happily.

Authors note!:

Okay guys I promise there will be more but I'm busy with school and stuff like that so idk when it'll be up! Hope you like it all!(:

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