United Again

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Of course, it was hard for me to know that I won't be seeing Adrien for a while now. But on the other hand I'm really looking forward to meeting my old friends again. As I packed up all the stuff I needed I thought about how best to get me and Adrien through these days.

I was almost done packing when Luna walked in on me. "Everything okay?" she asked worried. I slowly lowered myself onto my bed. "On the one hand I'm happy to see the others, on the other hand I don't know how to deal with Adrien" I told her. She walked over to me and sat down with me. "Don't worry too much, you'll be back soon and you can call him anytime" she encouraged me.

Luna helped me to pack the rest of my stuff that I needed in my suitcase. When we were done I let myself fall on the bed. I was concerned. Less about Adrien but the fact that I will probably meet Darius, my ex-boyfriend. He was my first real relationship and I was so in love with him that I didn't realize what a backstabber he was. "Luna, what do I do when I meet Darius?", I asked unsure. I sat up and looked at her. "Just ignore him. I'm going to make sure someone of us will always be by your side", she replied. 

I had mixed feelings about this whole situation but I wanted to go back so badly. I had to hop over my own shadow. My parents got back a few minutes ago and I told them about our plan. They were so happy and allowed me to stay as long as I wanted to. I didn't intend on staying for a long time, just for a few days. 


Today was Wednesday and that ment it was the day we were going to Maidstone. Adrien stayed the night over so we could enjoy our last hours together before I left. He again apologized to me and Luna promised him to look after me. I was just carrying my bag downstairs and put on my shoes, closely followed by Adrien. We went outside were Luna and my parents were already waiting. Adrien put my bag into the car and walked towards me. He hugged me like it was our last one. "I will be back soon, I promise. And I am going to call you every day" I said. He let go, grabbed my waist and pulled me in a passionate kiss. "I love you Malia" he whispered into my ear. "I love you too" I answered. 

My Dad, Luna and I got into the car and as we drove out of our driveway I waved at the two standing there. Our way to the railway station took only 20 min and when we arrived we could already enter our train. Unfortunately we had to drive vor 2 1/2 hours but we watched a movie, talked or listend to music. To my suprise we were already at Maidstone when I checked the train screen. We got all of our stuff and headed out to the main entrance where Lunas mother was already waiting. 

"Malia! How nice to see you. How are you?" she welcomed me. She was like a second mother to me so I hugged her thightly. "Nice to see you too. I'm perfectly fine, very glad to be finally back" I replied. We then packed our things in the car and drove off. I looked out the window and recognized every little thing about the town. How I missed living here. When we got past my old school I got a little emotional. I had so much memories there. But not just at school. Everywhere at this town. Minutes later we drove along the driveway of Luna's house. We got out and it was already getting dark outside so we quickly made our way inside. 

I greeted Luna's dad and her little brother and afterwards we went to her room. I threw myself onto the bed and sighted. Luna was standing in the doorframe and smiled. "I know you love it being back, don't you?" she asked me. "Of cause. Why is moving somewhere else so hard?" I questioned myself. Luna just laughed and walked over to the bed. "So what are we watching tonight?" she asked with a grin on her face. She knew the answer because we literally always watched Gossip Girl. I think we know every episode by heart. 

We grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and made ourselves comfortable in the bed. Of cause I told Adrien that I had arrived safely but we didn't talk on the phone since we saw us just a couple of hours earlier. After watching 2 episodes I fell asleep and the next thing I remembered was the sunlight shining trough the curtains. I checked my phone. It was 10 a.m. Luna was already up because she is that kind of person who can't sleep long. I put on some comfy clothes and walked downstairs were I was welcomed by the family. 

I ate  some breakfast when Luna came up with her plan. "So, since I told everyone you are here, we are going to meet up today at the park. What do you think?" she told me. "This would be great" was my answer. After I finsihed we went to Lunas room and changed into nicer clothes. We packed some stuff we might need and headed towards the park. I could already see the familiar people from the distance. We've always been a group of 8. Four girls, four boys.  Luna, Me, Aneesa, Danila, Emilio, Aven, Levin and actually Darius too, but we kicked him out after what he had done to me. 

"Hello my dear friends" I said smiling. All of them turned around since they hadn't noticed us aproaching. Everyone came up to me and hugged me. I was so happy to be back with them. "So, how are you doing?" Aneesa asked. "Have you made some friends in Brighton?". All of them looked at me so curious. "Yeah. I have a girl-best friend and suprisingly I do have a boyfriend again" I answered. "No way. Do you have a picture? Can you show him to us?" Danila bursted out. Yep, thats how I knew my best friends. Curious and crazy like always.


Holy cow, it's been a long time since I wrote here for the last time. Writers blocks are the worst thing that can happen to you. 

But for now, here is a brand new chapter. 

Bye :) 

(Nobody will read it anyways but idc)

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