A battle to remember.

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Hello, if you are seeing this message, it is me Deborah I am from another timeline, so I must make this message quick. Listen to my warnings, follow my marks, and do not trust a face you never met.

Madete did not bother to smile, or give any sign of comfort to them, as she knew it would be a lie. However, deep down inside she was desperate to see what they were looking for and if it were connected to her past. Yet, she knew if she dared to even think about upsetting Nelson, she would be nothing less than what Nelson saw her as,


I see you once again decide to get in the way of our work, Madete said, as she turned and looked at them, Such a shame you must, but I suppose everything has to end one day.

Samantha gasped, as she recognised who Madete was, Y-you are the fifth subject! Matt, that is the fifth subject!! Matthias nodded his head, before all Madete did, was chuckle.

No, I would never choose to work for someone who has the mind of a psychopath, or in your case, a lair, Madete chuckled, In fact, working for Nelson can be a joy! You should join him too! I am sure you will make great test subjects! Madete then gave out a loud laugh, before she vanished into thin air. And suddenly the room glitch out.

Soon all the doors vanished and were replaced with large glitched out purple gates, the walls became nothing more than a blank canvas, to all these glitched out words, which lit up with neon purple covering them. The desk Nelson used, soon became nothing more than a purple blob which Madete soon appeared above or her other side did at least.

Madete appeared above the desk, in her glitch form. It looked just like her, expect she had long black horns with a purple outline. She wore the same clothes, yet they were only coloured purple which seemed to light out certain spots, while her mask remained dark, acting as a shadow covering her mouth.

The only thing that seemed to stand out, was this strange red light coming from the door behind the desk. It was still there and did not seem to be infected with it. Immediately Matthias, Samantha, and Woods knew what they had to do. Whatever they needed was beyond that door.

It was gleaming with a red light, reflection of whatever was powering that necklace that Madete was wearing on her neck. It was like the necklace Nelson was looking for, the one Wesley would always wear around his neck but it held a golden ring around it with the words, Prototype written along it.

SO, ARE YOU SCARED NOW? Madete laughed, as the prototype started to glow, LET US PUT AN END TO THIS NOW? SHALL WE?

The three gasped, as they looked ahead at Madete, This is what Deb was talking about, will our powers be enough?

I hope, Matthias sighed, as he looked at the baseball bat in his hand, But I have a plan, while that necklace is charging up, you two runs through that door, find the power source to that necklace, while I distract her.

Samantha gave a nervous look, Are you sure this is a promising idea?

Matthias hesitated to nod his head, but eventually did, Yes, it is the only possible and best option that we have and can use now. And trust me, I have this under control.

Samantha and Woods slowly nodded their heads, before they rushed off to the back room, allowing Matthias to gaze up at Madete.


Samantha and Woods dashed through the door, before slamming it behind them, allowing the breeze of the fresh air hit their faces, as it came through the vents. Both did not bother to feel relieved, as they feared to much of what might happen if they dared to take a break.

As they went through the door, they gasped as they looked around the room. It was one expansive room, with a large metal container in the middle of the room. It held this strange red liquid in the middle of it, while place holders for vials rested on either side.

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