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Your voice continued to shrink when you asked, sitting down next to Teppei on the picnic blanket you laid out for the two of you.

It had been almost a week now since your confession and now you were up a hill overlooking the town to have a relaxing picnic with just the both of you.

Teppei frowned slightly as he slung his arm over your shoulder. "Awe, c'mon now, (Y/n)! Lets just enjoy this time together without having to worry alright?" He responded, and you heaved out a sigh before resting your head on his shoulder.

"Sorry, Teppei.. you know me, worrying twenty-four eight whenever you leave."

A tender smile graced his handsome face when he felt you lean against him more. "Oh yes I know, and I find that quite.. cute of you to worry so much about me." He teased as he leant his cheek on top of your head, "but as cute as you may be, you shouldn't worry too much. You know I'll be okay."

A part of you wanted to believe him but it also wanted you to tell him 'no, not everything could work out perfectly all the time' and that maybe his job could get him killed.

However, you didn't want to ruin the moment he so desperately prepared. You didn't want to stress him out any more than he already was about the whole 'vision hunt decree' situation.

Bottling up your emotions and swallowing your pain, you forced a smile.

"Yeah... I believe you, Teppei. I really appreciate you saying that."

Despite your efforts to mask the worry in your voice, Teppei had already caught wind of your tone and pulled away from you.

"Hey, listen to me." He spoke, shifting in front of you and taking you hands in his before kissing your knuckles tenderly. "And I mean, really listen to me."

Your eyes lifted to meet his and you kept quiet, allowing for him to speak his mind.

"I'm going to be alright, so don't worry so much." He began, "I know how much it hurts you and weighs down on your heart, but you have to tell yourself that I'll be just fine. I'm strong you know, and I'm positive things will go as planned. Sure, we're not the strongest out there, but I'll make sure to do whatever it takes to succeed."

Your lips threatened to tremble but Teppei cupped your cheeks in his and pulled you a little closer.

"I'll do whatever it takes to come home to you, okay?"

His voice nearly cracked at the end of his sentence and it only made you tear up even more. "So believe me when I say, things will be just fine and we'll both live happily together without anything keeping me from you okay?"

You nodded before leaping into his warm embrace. "Okay Teppei, I believe you.." you said, tightening your hug around his shoulders and digging your nose into the crook of his neck.

With a soft chuckle, Teppei eagerly hugged you back, his hand reaching up to pet your hair before softly kissing the side of your head.

"Oh you better!" He laughed again, "because I don't know what better way to convince you!"

You giggled at his remark and pulled yourself off of him with your arms remaining at his shoulders. "Just be careful okay?"

"Ah, there it is. You're worrying again!" He continued to laugh and now your face twisted into a scowl. "Hmph! Maybe you should think of a better way to convince me!" Your arms now crossed over your chest and your head turned away from him.

"Uhm.. actually I think I do.?" Teppei's laughter had come to a steady end when his head bowed down slightly and his hand massaged his nape.

Curious as to what he could mean, you returned your gaze onto him and raised a brow.

"Oh you do? And what might that be?"

"Uhm.. I was sort of saving this for later.. but now couldn't be a more perfect time."

Teppei's gaze fell upon you and his lips formed a bashful smile. "(Y/n)? Can I.. ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Okay actually yes, I was planning this for later but-" he shuffled in his seat, nervously chuckling. "But uhm.. I was sort of wondering if maybe you would.."

You playfully rolled your eyes and gave him a suspicious look. "Oh come on Teppei spit it out! You're killing me here!" You nearly pulled at the ends of your hair but Teppei frantically reached for his pockets, muttering a few words to stall for time.

"I was... uh thinking if we shoulddd—" he paused again, extending his words before finally he found what he was looking for.

"Aha!" He exclaimed, pulling out a simple golden band, revealing it to you as if it was some kind of magic trick.

Noticing the way your eyes had grown wide, Teppei struggled to form any words when he realized that he was holding out a ring in front of your face.


He chuckled again, his cheeks flushed red.

"I! I—Uhm! W-WILL YOU MARRY ME?? is basically... what I was going to ask- wait no!" He stopped, clearing his throat, inhaling deeply and brushing his hair back.

"..Since there's no other way of.. convincing you that I'll come back then... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get married? To.. me?"

You sat there frozen and awestruck as Teppei held out a ring just for you.

This, this you did not expect at all.

"So how about it, (Y/n)? Will you marry me?"

𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || Teppei x readerWhere stories live. Discover now