Episode 3

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Senshi appears to be in the Occult Research Club as he is also wearing the Kuoh uniform and then he heard giggling as he turns to see the girls. Rias, Akeno, Koneko surrounding Issei.

He happily waves at them but they walked past them as he tried to call them but they walked past him as he then thinks to himself.

Senshi:"Are they forgetting about me?"He asked them as he woke up and it was a dream

He saw the time and as he stands up and went to the shower and took a quick bath

After the shower he went outside to hunt and it and after eating he begins to train

First he finds something to use for training as he did some training. After the workout he then trains his martial arts

After a while of training he got ready for school as he runs to the entrance and he saw his friends but they're surrounding Tsukune

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After a while of training he got ready for school as he runs to the entrance and he saw his friends but they're surrounding Tsukune

Senshi:"What's up guys"He greeted but they walked past him as he then had a terrified expression but he shakes his head and tried ot greet them but they ignored him again as it shows Senshi and a young Senshi thinking to himself

Senshi:Are they forgetting about me?"
Young Senshi:"Are they forgetting about me?"

He then had a sad expression and walked inside as the group as he tries to make himself happy but then he senses something

???:"Hi"A female voice said as he turns around and saw a girl

Girl:"I saw you looking sad so lets play outside"She said as he then looks at her

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Girl:"I saw you looking sad so lets play outside"She said as he then looks at her

Senshi:"Well i got nothing to do so might as well anyways what's your name miss?"He asked the girl

Mizore:"My names Mizore"She said as he nods

Senshi:"And i'm Senshi"He said as she smiles

Mizore:"I know"She said as chills went down his spine

They went to a small lake and played skip rocks as Senshi is winning by a mile

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