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"Hey! Good game," Jungkook felt the solid slap on his shoulder as he threw his weight on the bleachers. He felt the guy slam himself on the empty seat next to him. Jungkook threw his head back to chug the water down greedily and managed a, "You too," two hard breaths later.

He towelled off the sweat dripping down his face and neck. It was just practice but no one could ever fault the coach for being intense. You had to give your all for every second your feet touched the grass, or you would be called off the field. With more than a hundred club members and only sixteen spots in the official varsity team, being benched out during practice was common, it was hardly surprising how desperate people wanted to play. Especially now with the seniors graduated and six newly vacant spots. Calling the practice intense might be too underwhelming a description. They had been training for at least three hours every single day—Sunday excluded— since the term started four weeks ago. Jungkook often forgot that it was night until after the field lights were flipped off at exactly 15 minutes after practice ended at nine. And suddenly the intensity of the lights and games dispersed, and he had to remember that he had other responsibilities.

"You; 31, come out! 18, in. Now!" The coach bellowed. A boy with the number 18 plastered unforgivably large on his neon green vest rushed towards the edge of the field, jogging on the spot, never staying still while he waited for the swap. It was hard not to imagine the blood roaring in the boy's veins while the adrenaline was still running in Jungkook's own system.

"He's good," Jungkook heard the guy next to him commented.

"18? He's good," Jungkook agreed.

"Jaehyun," He said.


"His name is Jaehyun," The guy explained.

"Oh," Jungkook replied lamely.

"He's a third year. Used to be my high school classmate but now he's my senior. Do you think he minds if I drop the formalities?" The boy asked conversationally.

"Were you close?"

"Used to be but two years have passed," The boy shrugged, not seemingly worried.  

"What happened?" Jungkook threw the question asked before he understood that he had asked. It surprised him that he did not mind the open conversation with a stranger.

"Nothing much. I wanted to be sure of what I wanted and decided to serve the country first while I figure things out."

Jungkook mind ran at his confession. "You're a first year student?" He concluded. 

"Yeah," Yugyeom said. 


"I have a junior that is now a year above me, but we don't bother with formalities. Jungkook, by the way," He introduced. 

"Yugyeom," The boy offered in return, then asked, "You skipped a year?"

"Two," Jungkook corrected, "I've served in between too," he added.

"You're serious?" Yugyeom said excitedly, happy to have found a fellow. He offered his fist and Jungkook did not hesitate to return the gesture; his excitement contagious. 

"What year were you born in?" Jungkook asked.

"97. It's weird how I was always the youngest around but now I'm older than most in my class," Yugyeom said.

"We're the same age! And I agree," Jungkook smiled brightly, warmth buzzed between them.

"Interested for a spot in the 'Sixteen'?" Yugyeom asked as they turn their focus back into the game. 

Between Truths ║Dahkook║K.DH J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now