𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊 ~ 𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖗

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Aura stared in awe at the flower crown her mother made just for her.

"It's so pretty.. how did you make it?" She asked her mother with sparkles in her eyes.

"It took me some practice. Here, I'll show you how I make them step by step." She smiled gently and grabbed some more flowers and began making a second crown slowly.

Her daughter watched very patiently. She was excited to learn how to make a flower crown like her mother.

After her mother was done, she decided to copy her mother's work. The first time she tried, it didn't look too good.

"Mother, why does it look so bad?" She whines. "It doesn't look bad at all, sweetheart. Here, let me show what you're doing wrong." She corrected her daughter's mishaps. "There. Try it again."

Aura picked up some more flowers and began working on her second crown. This time it looked really pretty. "Wow, thank you for teaching me!" She thanked her mother. "Anything for you, sweetie." She pat her daughter's head. She stood up. "Cmon, dinners almost ready." She took her daughter's hand and they began running back to their house.

When they got back, a delicious aroma filled the entire house. "Father's cooking is the best!" Aura squealed in delight.

After her father was done cooking, they all sat down. "Thank you for this meal!" And they began eating.

"Your flower crowns look lovely." Aura's father complimented his wife and daughter. "Thank you, dear." His wife smiled. "Thank you, Father!" Aura said. "No problem, you two." He smiled.

After dinner, Aura helped her parents with the dishes and then went off to her room to get ready for bed.

After a couple minutes, her parents came in to say good night.

2 years later.

"I'm off to town!" Aura yelled to her parents. "Be safe, dear!" Her mother yelled back. "Be careful!" Her father yelled. With that, she walked out the door and went on her way.

She was going to town to get more supplies for her family since they live a ways out. The town was maybe a 4 hour walk.

When she arrived, the place was a lot more lively than it usually is. Maybe a festival of some sort?

Aura walked through the crowd to see if her guess was correct. And correct she was.

That means a lot of the shops will be open today! Glad I chose today to travel here.

She walked through the streets and stopped at a couple stalls for some things. She then walked up to stall selling some beautiful jewelry and thought of her mother. I should get all 3 of us matching necklaces. She picked up three matching necklaces and put them on the counter to pay for them.

After leaving the stall, she went on to buy the rest of the supplies.

The sun was starting to set when she decided to travel back to her home.

After about 2 hours of traveling, she was stopped by a woman who said it was dangerous for her to keep traveling beyond that point at night.

"Sorry, Miss. But I must get back home to my parents, they may be worried." Aura explained to the woman. "I beg you to stay, I don't want you to get hurt.." The woman pleaded for her to stay. And she stayed.

The next day.

"Thank you, Miss, for letting me stay. Here's some coins as a thank you." She placed a couple coins in the woman's hand and went on her way.

When she arrived at her house, she could feel something eerie about her home. She walked closer and debated on whether she should open the door or not. She decided to open the door.

She scanned the inside of her home with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth. "Mother..? Father..?" She trembled as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She looked at the monster that was currently devouring her father. And it looked back at her.

Without thinking, she shut the door and ran as fast as she could, tears pouring from her eyes. She heard a cackling sound from behind her. "Hehehe.. What're you doing my precious prey~?" It questioned while chasing after her.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed at the hideous creature.

Veins popped on the creature's forehead. "Who gave you the right to yell at me, girl?" It snarled and picked up speed. As it was about to jump and slash her back, a male in a white haori sprung into action out nowhere. "Flower Breathing, fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo!" And with one slash, he beheaded the monster.

"W-WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM?!" The monster screamed his questions at it's slayer. He didn't answer and the remains of the monster slowly faded away, leaving a bit of blood on the snow.

He looked towards Aura. "Are you alright, Miss?" He crouched down to meet her height. "M-My parents- i-it devoured them.." She said still in shock. "Ah, well do you have any other family?" The man asked. Aura shook her head no. He looked at her with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "What's your name, young one?" He asks her another question. She looks back up to him with teary eyes. "A-Aura Yasui.." He smiled. "What a beautiful name."

The man had finished giving Aura's parents a proper burial. "It seems I have forgotten to tell you my name. It's Kiyo Furukawa." He introduced himself calmly and softly. He led Aura away from the burial site and back in front of her home. "Since you have nowhere else to go, would you like to live with me for the time being?" He asked her. She looked at him in thought. I had no one but my parents... I suppose it's not a bad idea. "Okay, I'll live with you Furukawa-sama." She decided.

Author's Note:

This took me AGES because I kept messing it up and making a billion changes. Well, I hope you enjoyed Chapter one! (995 words)

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